Over 22 years ago, the Bergholz Community Foundation began publishing a newsletter that was greatly appreciated then and is still greatly appreciated by many far and near. We would like to dedicate this newsletter in memory of our first Newsletter Editor, Phylis Yator. We are thankful for the many years of dedicated service she gave the foundation as editor. Phylis Yator passed away on December 9, 2022.
Deadline for the May/June Newsletter is Friday, April 21st.
From the Mayor
By: Gary Griffith
Seems like we’ve dodged the bullet and moved right through winter without many complications. This has been one of those mild winters that we haven’t seen for several years.
With spring right around the corner that means spring cleanup. As in the past, any yard cleanup you may have please bag it up, place it by the street, and the Village will pick it up at the first part of every week. If it gets missed, please feel free to contact me, and we will get it.
To go along with spring is also the Village clean up. This will start on Thursday May 4th, Springfield Township cleanup day. The JB Green Team will be on site at the Springfield Township garage on Monroe Street. If you want to see what can and cannot be disposed of you can go to www.jbgreenteam.org to get the answers to your questions. Because of the dwindling amount of help in the Village we are asking that anyone that can, please take your unwanted items to the Township garage on May 4th. If you cannot, please put it by the street and someone will pick it up either on Thursday, May 4th and finishing up on the Saturday, May 6th.
As the Mayor of your Village, I’m asking for a little extra help on the cleanup this year of your property. Why am I asking this? Because if you haven’t heard yet, on June 15th -17th, the Bergholz Community Foundation will be sponsoring a Homecoming at the Bergholz VFD/Springfield Township Complex. This will be similar to the homecomings we used to celebrate every year in Bergholz with rides, food, and such! There will be former residents of the village coming home, and we want to show off the Village and how proud we our of our hometown.
On Saturday April 1st there will be a roll off box at the Village Garage, 901 Washington Street, for Village Residents only to dispose of any unwanted items you may want to get rid of. I will post the time the roll off box will be at the garage once that’s all figured out. Watch Face-book for updates. Also, there will be a list of what you can dispose of and what you can’t!
I’d like everyone to know the Consumers Bank will be doing paving at Bank-Post Office-City Building on Second Street in the near future. This is part of Consumers commitment to the Village of Bergholz as one of the agreements to the lease between the Village and the Bank. This is all being done without any cost to the Village taxpayers.
With Spring coming, it means the little ones of the Village will be out in full force, traveling from friends’ houses, parks, etc. Be extra careful in your travels and watch out for them.
As always thank you to the residents of Bergholz, both past and present, for what you do to make Bergholz the envy of the Valley!
Gary Griffith
Bergholz VFD
By: Dwayne Morley
Our newest truck, 2912 should be in operation this spring. We are still waiting on some additional equipment before it can go into service. Also, it gives time for our members to experience driving this larger truck. This vehicle will last in our community for the next 20 or more years. This summer we hope to put a small addition onto the station for more room for our equipment.
We thank the community for your continued support. Keep August 26th & 27th open for our Weekend of Dinners and the Enduro Bike Race held here at the fire station once again this year.
Visit us during this year’s “HOMECOMING EVENT” in June. Our department is always looking for new members. Let any member know if you’re interested in joining our community fire department.
Bergholz Community Foundation
By: Nikki Klein
Goodbye Winter! Hello Spring! I know it’s been a mild winter, but I’m ready for Spring!
It is Scholarship time! The Bergholz Community Foundation will offer scholarships for the 2022-2023 school year. Students eligible for consideration for the scholarships are 2023 high school graduates who reside in the Edison Local School District. Scholarships are also available to non-traditional students. These applicants must be past graduates of Edison High School or one of the Edison School District’s consolidated high schools, who are seeking a first-time associate or undergraduate degree or technical training. Scholarship applications are available at EHS and JVS. They can also be obtained from our website: www.bergholzfoundation.org as well as forwarding a request and a self-addressed, stamped envelope to: The Bergholz Community Foundation, PO Box 201, Bergholz, Ohio 43908. The application deadline is Friday, April 7th, 2022.
Improvements are being made at the Lawrence P. Crow Medical Building. It is looking great! Mallory Puckett, CNP of Total Medical Care is seeing patients on Mondays in Bergholz. Insight Counseling is seeing clients in Bergholz on Tuesday evenings and Wednesdays during the day. To make an appointment with Mallory, please call 740-768-1001 on Mondays, Tues- Fri call 330-956-5236 and let the office know that you would like to make an appointment with Mallory at the Bergholz location. To schedule an appointment with Insight Counseling call 330-397-6007.
Reminder: Save the Date! June 15-17, the Foundation will be celebrating 30 years and hosting a free community event at the Bergholz Fire Dept. There will be carnival rides, food, music, and lots of fun for all. Watch our Facebook page for updates! “Invest in your community. Invest in the Bergholz Community Foundation”
Bergholz EMS
By: Don Rowe
Our current EMT class will be over in March and the good Lord willing, we will have 5 new EMTS here in town. Last year our group did approximately 420 calls for Bergholz and the surrounding areas that we cover. With the addition of these 5 new people we hope that it makes our schedules much easier with a little more help.
Thanks to all of you who support our EMS group. The next class for EMTs will be this fall if anyone is interested in helping out our community.
WEBA Food Pantry
By: Ann Wiley
The WEBA Outreach Food Pantry continues to serve families and friends with much needed food assistance. We are blessed to have generous and faithful donors to the pantry which enables us to help those less fortunate.
Director, David Guess supplied statistics for people served for the month of January 2023. The pantry served 500+ persons; 216 families were served by the pantry. The need is still great in this area.
We continue to get a truck load of fresh produce every month. Upcoming dates for produce are as follows: Friday, March 17; Friday, April 21; Friday, May 19.
Grocery dates are as follows: Saturday, March 25; Saturday, April 22; Saturday, May 27.
Spring is coming. As I write this letter, it is supposed to be near 70 degrees today. Time for the annual spring yard sale at the pantry. Friday, April 14 and Saturday, April 15 are the dates set for great bargain hunting. There is always something for everyone. There will be baked goods to satisfy your sweet tooth as well. The yard sale will be open from 9am till noon-1pm.
Once again, the help and dedication of our volunteers cannot be measured. The pantry could not/would not operate without you.
Northeast Jefferson County Food Pantry
“Our mission is to serve God and eliminate hunger in our community “
The next food pantry dates which are the third Thursday of the month: March 16 and April 20 – between the hours of 8am and 12 noon.
The next Work Food Assistance Program which is set up to help working people here in our community whose in-comes exceed state and federal guidelines for the Food Pantry will be on the first Saturday of each month. March 4 and April 1 between 11am and 1pm. A current pay stub will be needed for visual verification of work status.
Both distributions will occur in the rear of Trinity United Presbyterian Church here in Bergholz on 2nd Street.
Donations to the pantry can be made at any time. Please make checks payable to Northeast Jefferson County Food Pantry. Your donations are tax deductible since we are a non-profit organization. Our mailing address is: PO Box 613 – Bergholz, Ohio 43908-0613
Questions? You can contact President Ronnie Shockley at: 330-627-4080 or Director Kathy Warner at:740-543-3590 or Email: [email protected]
By: Don Lyons
A big thank you to my team on getting the Christmas Decorations up and down this past year, and DeNoons for the use of their lift. Our group still takes care of the town flags during the holidays to fly them, and we still offer scholarships to our local high school seniors.
Although our group isn’t very active at the moment, we are in hopes that we will be able to do some kind of fund raising this year to be used for projects here in town since we haven’t had a fund raiser in several past years.
Bergholz/Chestnut Ridge United Methodist Churches
By: Pastor Lee Iden
Winter is almost over. How very sad…at least for some of us. I think it has been a beautiful winter, and yes, I know it’s not over yet, we still have a GOOD six or eight weeks left to endure the cold and snow, but we are on the down-hill slide…sorry about that maybe not so great analogy, and winter is slowly on its way out! I have to admit that when the temperatures hovered somewhere around 35 degrees below zero factoring in the wind chill, I didn’t go outside and play much…or at all, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t LIKE it!
It has been a VERY good season for us both as churches and as people of God. On Saturday, January 28th, both Bergholz and Chestnut Ridge UMC’s met with our district superintendent and unanimously voted to separate from the United Methodist Church. Due to matters of consciousness, we felt that we could no longer stay with the UMC. They are committed to going in directions that some of us feel compelled to resist. This was an amicable separation, there is no animosity or ill feelings, many of us still love the UMC deeply, we just can’t follow their path. I look forward to a time when we will spread our wings and fly a different direction than the United Methodist Church! We will devise a new name, new bylaws, form new corporations and worship God in the way that He leads us, by His Holy Word! Please keep our two small churches in your prayers as we navigate this long and somewhat difficult road that we find ourselves on. It will be good in the end, but the end is still a long distance off.
We are, at this point, looking forward to the season of Lent; Ash Wednesday is not very far off as I write this. We will have our service at 7:00pm on Feb. 22nd at Bergholz and I always enjoy that meaningful event. Palm Sunday is special and Easter Sunday morning’s service are, for me, the most sacred of the year. I love Christmas, but without Easter and the resurrection, it loses its purpose.
It always gives me pause on Sunday mornings when I see so many of the pews empty. We could do better. I long for the days of the past when you went into a church and found standing room only. I know that I cannot live in the past, put that doesn’t mean I can’t think about that time. If you don’t have a home church, please pray about joining us at Bergholz UMC (temporarily) or Chestnut Ridge UMC (temporarily) for worship of the One True God!
East Springfield Christ UMC
By: Nicki Tennant
We would like to invite everyone in the community to join us for the movie, “The Shack.” Saturday, March 25th at 6pm at the East Springfield Community Center on County Road 39. The movie and refreshments of popcorn, hot dogs, lemonade, plus more is free. Please come and join members of our community to enjoy this uplifting movie.
Of course Easter/Lent activities are at the top of our list for March and April. Our special Lent Offering this year has us focusing on our blessings of food, clothing, light, health, plus more. Each day we have a particular
item that we focus on, count how many we have in our home, and contribute a coin of our choosing for each item. At the end of Lent, this special offering will be given to Heifer International.
We will start Holy Week with our 11am Worship Service with Palms on Palm Sunday April 2nd. Thursday April 6th at 7:30pm will be the Maundy Thursday Service with Holy Communion. Friday April 7th at 7:30pm we will have our Good Friday Service of reflection. Easter Sunday will begin with Sunrise Service at 8am followed by breakfast. Sunday School will meet at 9:45am and Easter Worship Service at 11am. We invite you to each and every one of these special services to celebrate this time of Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
If you are looking for a home church, or just want to stop in for a visit, Sunday School is at 9:45am and Morning Worship at 11:00. Please come and join us.
Luke 24:6 – 7, “He is not here; he has risen! Remember how he told you, while he was still with you in Galilee: ‘The Son of Man must be delivered over to the hands of sinners, be crucified and on the third day be raised again.’”
Faith Community Church
By: Chad Thompson
740.768.2835 or 740.512.3238
Hello to everyone in our amazing community. I bet you are all as ready for the Spring season as I am. We have had an exciting start to the new year at Bergholz Faith Community Church; New ministry oppor-tunities, new sermon series, and blessed with new friendly faces. If you haven’t driven out 524 recently and seen it, among those new exciting things, is our sign. We are using it to help keep you updated with our events and ministries. Be sure to check it out.
As Spring approaches bringing warmer weather and beautiful flowers, it also brings Christ Walk 2023! This is our 15th year, and it continues to grow each year. If you haven’t had a chance to join us yet, this is your chance. It starts at Sycamore Youth Center Steubenville, Ohio, and we walk about 7 miles to Crossroads Christian Church in Wintersville.
It takes place Good Friday April 7, 2023@ 12:00pm. This is an ecumenical event, and we are blessed to have people from all types of backgrounds participating. Several area churches join & support us along the way. This past year we had walkers from approx.-imately 20 different churches. All are welcome to join us as we walk, pray, fellowship, and worship Jesus! T-shirts will be available to order. Orders must be in by March 15th. If you aren’t able to participate in the walk, please join us at one of the services, before the walk at 12:00 pm at Sycamore Youth Center. Pastor Chad will do a brief sermon and members of Faith on Fire Youth Worship will be singing as well as our own Jenna Porter. The walk concludes with service at 4:00 pm (estimated time) at Crossroads in Wintersville, with prayer, communion & worship lead by a team of several area churches including some of our fellow Bergholz Faith Community family.
As always, we at Bergholz Faith Community Church would LOVE to have you join us Sundays at 10:45 for Church service.
Wednesdays @5pm we offer tutoring free of charge to any area children. Blaze Youth Group (ages 13-18) meets Wednesdays @6pm.
Thursdays AA meets at 6:30.
Also please keep an eye out on our Facebook page and our new sign for info on ladies group details, and our monthly Fearless Faith night for 5–12-year-old.
We have some exciting upcoming spring events. Be on the lookout for our Resurrection egg hunt and our glow in the dark egg hunt.
Praying for you,
Pastor Chad Thompson
Something to Think About
By: Dave Miller
Before God made a promise that the earth would never again be destroyed by water, and He set the rainbow in the sky to seal that promise, He made an earlier promise. It is found in Genesis 8:22, “As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, and day and night will never cease.”
Spring is my favorite time of the year. The cold, ice, and snow of winter is gone, though this year, so far, has been an exception. We begin to think about planting flower and vegetable gardens. Soon garden centers and greenhouses will have beds filled with colorful pansies, marigolds, and begonias. Other signs of spring around my house, a few crocuses are in bloom, the pussy willows are showing its beautiful silver, and the daffodils and lilies are peaking through the ground from their winter vacation. Soon wonderful yellow, orange, and other shades of color will beautify my yard.
My nephew Fred and his wife Jennifer have a very successful landscaping and greenhouse business in western Cincinnati. A few weeks ago, they posted that the seedlings were beginning to arrive. Soon folks will be there to purchase colorful flats to plant in their yards and gardens. It will also be time to mow and trim our lawns. A well-manicured lawn is a beauty to behold!
Another sign of Spring when we were living in the Catskill Mountains in NY was the tapping of the sugar maple trees to gather their sap which is then boiled down to make maple syrup. Our neighbor had a large syrup making business. Remember that it takes 40 gallons of sap to make one gallon of syrup. When Maple Hills Farm was boiling sap, you could see the waves of steam floating over the valley where they were located. Actually I have seen two places locally where trees were tapped for their sap. One is on County Road 54 where several trees have plastic bags attached to
gather the sap. The other was on Canyon Road outside of Carrollton. A very large tree, about four feet in diameter, was surrounded by a ring of plastic bags to collect the sap.
Genesis 8:22 is just one of the hundreds of promises God has made to the human race He created.
Amsterdam Community Church of God
8247 Bear Road SE
By: Tony Kovalesky 740.543.4041
Church:740. 543.3927
Parsonage:740. 543.3036
[email protected]
We are continuing to focus on our 2023 Theme is “Bring Life (Jesus) to the “garden” God has placed you with your gifts, resources, and talents.” Our theme verses from Genesis 2:15 “The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it” and Colossians 3:17 “And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.”
During Lent we will suspend our journey through Luke and begin a six-week sermon and small group series called Pressure Points as we journey through the book of James. Pressure is nothing new. James, the half-brother of Jesus, wrote to Jewish Christians in the first century who faced
intense pressure. They had been dispersed because of persecution, and they faced increasing pressure to let faith live only in their heads instead of being evidenced in their lives. James beckoned these first believers to let pressure push them deeper in their journey with Jesus.
The third weekend of January, six youth attended the annual NEO Student Ministries of the Church of God Winter Retreat at Camp Fitch near Erie, PA. This year’s theme was “The NOW” with the theme verse coming from 1 Peter 1:3-5 (MSG) “What a God we have! And how fortunate we are to have him, this Father of our Master Jesus! Because Jesus was raised from the dead, we’ve been given a brand-new life and have everything to live for, including a future in heaven—and the future starts now! God is keeping careful watch over us and the future. The Day is coming when you’ll have it all—life healed and whole.” Everyone had a great time learning more about Jesus Christ and enjoying the activities. The youth meet on Monday evenings at 6:00 for food, fun and discipleship and is open to students in 6th through 12th grades. We have bowling and laser tag activities planned plus an overnighter with the NEO Student Ministries at the Salem Community Center on March 17-18. Come and join this growing ministry. For more info give the church a call.
On Sunday, February 12, we held our annual Souper Bowl Luncheon. This is one of our favorite social times and this year we had 15 soups for the congregation and guests to taste and enjoy. Donations were received for the local food banks.
Sunday, March 5, the Public is invited to attend a Spaghetti Dinner sponsored by the youth from 12:30-2:00. Financial donations will be welcomed to help fund upcoming youth activities.
We are in the process of developing a grief support group. Many have experienced great loss over the last few years. With loss comes many emotions that sometimes we do not know how to process. Our next group meeting is Sunday, March 12, 6:00-8:00 pm at the church.
Following the AM service on Sunday, March 19, we will have a Baked Potato and Salad Bar in honor of St Patrick. We will have all kinds of add-ons for potatoes. Green will be the theme for the punch and cake, too. We will start eating around 12:30 and the public is welcome to join us.
We are planning an “Eggstravaganza” with other community leaders and organizations. The event will be held Saturday, April 1 at noon at Roger’s Park. Registration will begin at 11:30 am. How can you get involved? This will be an Easter egg hunt, so we need candy to stuff the eggs with. We would also like to have Easter baskets that will be given away as prizes as well. Additionally, we are looking for volunteers to work the event and prepare. We will need people to help stuff the eggs, put the eggs out, and other little jobs. If you would like to donate candy or baskets, or would like to volunteer, call the church.
During Holy Week, the church will have a Maundy Thursday service observing Communion and Foot washing at 7:00. A Good Friday Tenebrae Service will be at 7:00. This service is a solemn service where scriptures concerning Jesus’ suffering and death are read and candles are extinguished. On Easter morning, April 9, we will host a Community Sunrise Service at the downtown park in Amsterdam around 6:45 followed by breakfast and then an Easter Celebration service at 10:30.
On Sunday, April 16, during the AM service the church will celebrate their 113th Anniversary with a lunch to follow. We plan to have a special guest from the past celebrate with us. As always, everyone is invited to celebrate with us.
The Annual Women’s Retreat is scheduled to be held at Century Farms in Carrollton April 21-23. All women in the area are invited to attend. More details coming soon. If you are interested in attending contact Donna Whitmore (740.457.6675)
Amsterdam Community Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered program with large and small groups where everyone can find freedom from any hurts, hang-ups and habits
that are controlling their life. We cover any topic
Church of God (cont.)
from anger, codependency, eating disorders, food addiction, love and relationship addiction, physical, sexual, and emotional abuse, chemical dependency, anxiety, depression and much more! We begin the evening with large group worship and then transition into open share small groups. We want everyone to find a sense of family at ACCR so after small group, everyone is invited for dinner in the Warrior Way Café located in the fellowship hall. We also have classes for kids ages 5-11 in the Celebration Place and grades 7-12 in the Landing. Each program meets on Wednesday at 6:30 pm. Bring the kids and make it a family night!
Our worship service starts at 10:30 am on Sundays with children’s church offered. The youth meet on Monday evenings. During the week we have a Mixed Adult Bible Study on Wednesdays at 7:00, Women’s Book and Bible Study on Tuesdays at 7:00, and Men’s Bible Studies on Thursdays at 7:00.
Like us on Facebook or contact us at 740.543.3927 or [email protected]. A place where imperfect people are welcomed. If you do not have a church home, join with us as we bring life (Jesus) to the communities God has called us to serve in.
East Springfield Community Recreation & Service Center
By: Sue Call
We’re Back! Now that winter is behind us, we’ve started our monthly dinners once again. Thank you to everyone who supported our March Baked Steak Dinner. Our April Cabbage Roll Dinner will be Thursday the 13th
Saturday, March 25th at 6pm, Christ UMC will be hosting the movie, “The Shack.” This is a free event for the entire community. Free refreshments of hot dogs, popcorn, and lemonade will also be available. Come and join your neighbors for this wonderful evening.
We held our first planning meeting for the Monday, May 29th 2023 Memorial Parade. More details will be in the next edition of this newsletter. Plans are also underway for the community Easter Egg Hunt.
This Spring and Summer, All American Burger will have their trailer in our parking lot on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 4pm-9pm. This will allow more parking space for everyone. Check out their Facebook page for the menu and prices.
Check social media or flyers posted in the community for details of all Center activities. The Center is available to rent. Please contact me for prices and availability.
John Gregg Elementary PTO
Jamie Wiley, President
John Gregg Elementary PTO works closely with the staff of John Gregg, parents/guardians and volunteers to provide students with as many events as possible throughout the school year. This fall the PTO had its annual mum sale in September. This is the PTO’s biggest fundraiser as it provides the majority of the funds needed for events.
PTO also held a canned food drive, 5th and 6th grade Halloween dance, Halloween parties, fall Scholastic book fair, Santa visit, Santa’s workshop, toy drive and the Christmas parties. One day of each month PTO makes popcorn to sell at lunchtime.
This year a new addition to popcorn day is our Wildcat Spirit Corner. The spirit corner contains items such as pencils, erasers, Pom poms, hats, clappers, cow bells, Wildcat jewelry and many other items that the students can purchase with cash or with their “Burchfield Bucks”. The “Burchfield Bucks” are given to the students by Mrs. Burchfield as a reward for their excellent standing with attendance, behavior, grades and testing scores.
Currently PTO is planning our spring Scholastic book fair,
preparing the yearbook, and planning the end of the year celebration that takes place in May. The members and helpers of the PTO consider it a blessing to be a part of John Gregg. The PTO is grateful for all the help we receive from parents/guardians and the school staff. The students are always thankful and welcome us with a smile. A smile from a grateful child provides all the encouragement needed to work as hard as we can to do as much as we can!
Let’s Fight Together
By: T.J. Anderson
740.512.3278 or 740.543.4353
[email protected]
Let’s Fight Together has several fundraising activities in the upcoming months.
Saturday, May 13th 10am-4pm Annapolis Mini Flea Market. 49998 Annapolis Rd Blooming-dale. Free set up, bring own tables. Hot Food and Cold Drinks will be for sale
Saturday, August 12th 10am-4pm Junk in the Trunk held at the Wintersville Community Chapel.
Saturday, September 23 Let’s Fight Together’s 10th Anniversary Festival. 10am-4pm. We will be looking for vendors.
You can find me and all my events and projects on Facebook or contact TJ Anderson for information.
Mooretown Monument
By: Virginia Boyd Glenn
Work at the monument is moving at a fast pace now with repair work from an all-terrain vehicle of some kind doing a lot of damage to the grounds. The Jefferson County Commissioners, Jefferson County Engineers Office, Ross Township Trustees, and a local citizen named Kathy Shultz have all stepped up to provide funds and sandstones to repair the mess and ameliorate the damage. Mrs. Schultz even offered to fund a chain length fence. Others have donated money to help with the expenses, and we appreciate this also. More important than repairing the driveway, parking lot, banks, and front and side yards we are going to make sure this will not happen again. The grants we are receiving are on the contingency that we make sure it does not get destroyed again.
At the same time, we are working on this project we have begun to finalize the sequel to Doc Schilling’s Yellow Creek Books. We are at the stage of sorting photos and maps and of course the stories that go with them. Many of you have sent stories from your families we will use, but there is still time to add more. When we started the sequel to the books it was to be called, Yellow Creek, the Next Generation; Up the Hollows and Over the Ridges. Curt renamed the book, Follow the Yellow Crick Road, with not only stories about Yellow Creek but the surrounding areas also. We want to include stories from around the valley and the towns and villages and farm stories as well. Doc Schilling traveled extensively to these places, and we would like to have Doc Schilling stories also. Keep your information coming and photos as well, and we will try to work them into the book along with some of the old maps.
Thanks for your interest in our local history. Remember all proceeds from the books as well as the 2011 Dave Barnhouse Pencil Sketch of the monument and Mooretown go to the upkeep and care of the Mooretown Monument and the Mooretown Methodist Church Cemetery.
The Homestead Rendezvous
By: Bob & Polly Givens
The 2023 Homestead Rendezvous will be held on May 20, 2023, on the Bergholz Firehall / Township grounds at 724 Monroe Street, Bergholz, OH 43908
The Homestead Rendezvous brings together small farmers, homesteaders, agricultural businesses and agencies, and the public to promote small farming in our region. Small farmers and homesteaders will have the opportunity to network, talk with businesses and agencies serving the ag community and, best of all, meet new customers at an open-air market.
Last year a wide variety of products were available including baby chicks and ducks, fresh beef and lamb, handmade quilts, vegetable plants, fresh pasture raised eggs, homemade food products, handmade soaps, wool, yarn, and wool products, farm supplies, wood products, gates and feeders, bee and honey supplies, animal feed, coal and fertilizer, as well as demonstrations of a portable saw mill, antique tractors and steam engines, blacksmithing/forge, sharpening services, fresh baked goods, and much more.
The exhibitors produce the products and provide services from their small farms and homesteads, raising animals, tapping maple trees, building feeders, baking bread, collecting eggs and supporting their families.
This year workshops on homesteading topics will be held throughout the day. More vendors will be doing demonstrations at their sites and the number of vendors is expanding.
The Homestead Rendezvous is free to attend. This is a family event. We ask that you leave your pets at home as there will be farm animals on premise that day. As always, service dogs are welcome.
For more information, follow us on Facebook at The Homestead Rendezvous for vendor highlights and workshop topics. Contact Bob or Polly Givens with questions.
See you at The Rendezvous this year!
Library of Steubenville and Jefferson County
By: Jennifer Cesta
March 2nd & 23rd
April 13th
Amsterdam Parking Lot
Bergholz Fire Hall
Red Dog Road
Contact the Library to learn about our Book Club dates and current titles.