Deadline for the November/December Newsletter is Friday, October 20th.
From the Mayor
By: Gary Griffith – 740.768.2632
Well just like that Summer is gone in the Berg, and here comes Fall. It seems like the older we get these seasons seem to just fly by. At the beginning of summer, I thought we were going to have a dry summer, but Mother Nature has proven me wrong, September is here, grass is still growing, and looks like Spring around here!
A big Thank You to Chad Hazelip for keeping up with the mowing on Village properties. Chad always keeps the Village trimmed and looking great!
If you haven’t noticed, the 4th Street ball fields have come alive. Ball teams, with the leadership of TJ Miller and others, have been refurbishing the fields and will have teams playing out there this fall. Dave McBane had started working on the field on Kennedy to have practice for the Edison High School baseball players earlier this summer. Thank you, Dave and TJ. It’s great to see life back in this awesome facility. Village employee Kenny Spicer has been working to give the buildings at the 4th Street facility a fresh coat of stain. The 3rd Street Park has a new sliding board that was purchased from grant money received from the Jefferson County Commissioners recreation fund.
With the end of Summer starts the beginning of school. We will have little ones out on the streets waiting for the school bus. Please watch out on your morning and late afternoon commute with these precious children out on the streets.
With fall coming that means leaves falling and our residents raking and bagging them up. Remember, if you have no way to dispose of them, please leave them by the street. Someone will be around to pick them up the first part of each week once the leaves start falling.
I want to welcome all the new families that have moved into the Village, either by purchasing property or even renting in the Village. Bergholz welcomes you! Hats off to all the Village residents that have been reinvesting back in their properties and keeping the Village from falling into disrepair.
The Village has been trying to obtain grants from different sources for paving, especially 1st Street that has fallen into disrepair because of the heavy traffic from when the bridge on State Route 164 was out. It seems as if every avenue we have gone down, we get turned down for one reason or another. In the past Bergholz was able to obtain grants through different govern-ment agencies of which does not seem to work like they have in the past. Council has been talking about trying a different approach to the grant problem of which we have done by contacting an engineering firm to help us get these grants. Jeff Kemmer, our Clerk, con-tacted one of who came and talked to us. I told Jeff I feel like we may have finally found someone that can help us to obtain these grants to get our streets paved with minimal impact on the Village finances. We will keep our fingers crossed!
With this I want to thank all Village residents, both past and present for making Bergholz the envy of the Valley!
Mayor Gary Griffith
Bergholz Community Foundation
By: Nikki Klein
I hope everyone has had a great summer! As usual, it just seemed to fly by. Now it’s time for bonfires and s’mores! Bergholz is a beautiful place to be in the fall.
Mallory is back in the office and has been seeing patients again since Aug 21st. Call 740-768-1001 on Mondays to make appointments. If it’s any other day of the week, please call 330-956-5236. Welcome back Mallory!
Insight Clinical Counsel-ing and Wellness have office hours in Bergholz on Tuesday evenings and Wednesdays during the day. If you would like to schedule an appointment, please call 330-397-6007. You can also contact them through their website at
There is an open house being planned for Total Medical Care and Insight Clinical Counseling and Wellness. Check our Facebook page for updates.
Reminder: Grant applications are available on our website,
Something to Think About
By: Dave Miller
Sometimes a column comes from an unusual place. This column came because of a few sentences in a Bible Study Lesson at Fellowship Mt. Zion Church. The writer was writing about professional wrestling. His words brought to mind that probably thirty-five or so years ago I knew a professional wrestler. His name was Mike (Rocky Jones) Martin. He was a friend of a friend. When he learned that I was managing a Church Camp in the Northern Catskill Mountains of New York, he invited himself to come and speak to the campers. He talked about drugs and caring for the bodies God gave to each.
He had wrestled Hulk Hogan and Sargent Slaughter and many other top-notch in the wrestling world. I learned as I was researching, that he died last year at the age of 68.
The second person I share with you is Ewell Blackwell. He was a star pitcher for Cincinnati Reds in the 40’s. In 1947 I began caddying at the Western Hills Country Club near my home in Cincinnati. The Reds often spent time at the Club. One day I had the joy of caddying for Blackwell. Truly nice guy. Blackwell pitched a no-hitter in 1947.
I also got to know, through golf, Johnny Fischer. Fischer was the 1936 National Amateur Golf Champion. He won using hickory shafted clubs. He lost in the semi-finals in 1937. In 1955 he bought a set of steel shafted clubs.
I saw two heavyweight champion boxers. One shortly before he became champion, and the other I believe during his championship time. The first was Muhammed Ali. In the Summer of 1978, I was at the airport in Newark, NJ to meet my mother and niece Ronda who were flying in from their home in Cincinnati. The first person off the plane was Ali and an attendant. When we went down to get their luggage, he was sitting off to the side signing autographs, shaking hands with passersby, and talking with anyone who would stop by. Couldn’t ask for a nicer, friendlier person. The other boxer I saw was Mike Tyson. One night on our way home from running errands, we stopped at a diner in Catskill, NY for dinner. While we were eating, Tyson and four or five other fellows walked in. He trained in Catskill. Cus D’mato Gym was on the second floor of a building on Main Street in Catskill.
Some years ago, my grandson Zach and I had the opportunity to go to the Jack Nicklaus golf course outside of Columbus and watch the Memorial Tournament. While many of the well-known PGA golfers were there, we saw Jack and Barbara Nicklaus leave the Nicklaus Villa to go out to the 18th green and watch the players as they finished their rounds.
The last person I will mention is one that perhaps many older persons will remember. That is Jamie Donnelly. She and her husband Steve Foreman and their two daughters lived in our community in Upstate NY. Jamie had played the role of Jan in both the original movie version of “Grease” and in the original Broadway version. They were a very friendly couple and active in our local community.
Just a Miller family note. When the Hunter-Tannersville HS performed “Grease” as their Annual Play our daughter Mindy played “Jan.” Steve and Jamie were in the audience one night and afterward she spent a little while sharing with us her role, especially on Broadway.
Bergholz EMS
By: Donna Dailey – 740.768.1018
We are now accepting new people to join us for the upcoming fall class to become an EMT here in Bergholz. Please contact me or any other member if your interested in helping our community. Thank you to all of you who support our local EMS services for our community. We are here for you 24/7 to provide emergency medical services and transportation
Bergholz VFD
By: Dwayne Morley – 740.543.3306
A big THANK YOU to all those who came out to eat during the Bergholz Homecoming and supported our department. We also take this time to say THANK YOU to all those who came out for dinners, 50/50 tickets, raffle tickets and brown bag tickets during our ENDURO Weekend!
Our thanks go to the additional volunteers, EMS & Fire departments who came over the weekend to help us. A big shout out to the Ohio Valley Trail Riders who put on the race here in Bergholz plus their sponsors as well. Our department is grateful for the support you, our community, show us and also the surrounding communities who come and support our volunteer group.
This fall we will be having a 36-hour safety course to become a member of the fire department which is required by the State of Ohio. If you’re interested in volunteering your time to keep our community safe, please contact me or any member of the department as soon as possible.
WEBA Food Pantry
By: Ann Wiley- 740.543.3972
One man’s junk is another man’s treasure! If you missed the big WEBA yard sale, you missed your chance of finding a treasure. The sale was a success and made money for the WEBA Pantry. Next sale will be in the Spring of 2024. Watch for signs next spring.
The WEBA Food Pantry continues to serve our friends and neighbors in the area. We are also able to provide fresh vegetables and fruit on the 3rd Friday of each month: September 15; October 20; November 17; and December 15.
Pantry days for the remainder of the year are: September 23; October 28; November 18; and December 16.
Sincere thanks to all our volunteers. You keep the engine running. Also, thanks to all of our very generous donors: individuals, churches, corporations, foundations, local school groups, gifts in memory, and of course the United Way. All donations are used for the purchase and transport of food and for the operation of the WEBA site.
Northwest Jefferson County Food Pantry
“Our mission is to serve God and eliminate hunger in our community. “
Our next food pantry dates are September 21 and October 19 which is the third Thursday of the month from 8am till Noon.
Our next Work Food Assistance Program will be September 2 and October 7 which are the first Saturdays of the month. NOTE NEW TIME FOR PICKUP – 9am till 11am. This pantry program is set up to help working people here in our community where their income exceeds state and federal guidelines for our regular pantry.
Both distributions will be behind Trinity United Presbyterian Church on 2nd Street. (We thank the church for allowing us to work out of their building)
Donations to the pantry can be made anytime to serve the community. Your donations are tax-deductible. Checks can be made out to: Northeast Jefferson County Food Pantry. Our mailing address is P.O. Box 613 – Bergholz, Ohio 43908 or to help please call: Ronnie Shockley at:330-627-4080, Director Kathy Warner at: 740-543-3590 or email us at: [email protected]
East Springfield Community Recreation & Service Center
By: Sue Call 740.543.3700
Join us for our monthly dinner. It is the second Thursday of each month. The time is 4-6:00 pm. On Thursday, September 14th, we will have Baked Steak, mashed potatoes, green beans, bread, drink, and dessert. On October 10th we will host a Chili & Bean Soup dinner. Yummy! The cost will be $10.00. Come join us for a filling dinner and visit with your neighbors. We sure could use extra help during these meals. Let me know if you are available or just show up!
Tuesday, October 31st will be our annual Halloween Party. Start with Trunk or Treat in the parking lot of Christ United Methodist Church from 5pm-6pm. At 6pm travel across the street to our Community Center for the party. Costume judging begins at 6:30pm. All ages are invited to participate in the judging. There will be lots of snacks and treats for everyone. Come celebrate Halloween with us!
Check social media or flyers posted in the community for details of all Center activities. The Center is available to rent. Please contact me for prices and availability.
John Gregg Elementary PTO
Jamie Wiley, President – 740.768.2100
John Gregg PTO hopes that all of our students and their families had a safe and happy summer! We will be jumping right back into the swing of things by asking for parent/guardian volunteers for our various events and getting those who wish to help signed up for our remind app. We will be utilizing this app to extend messages and important information to our helpers.
We are making preparations for our annual mum sale. This is the biggest fundraiser of the year! Order forms will be sent home within the first week of the start of school. As we prepare for the 2023-2024 school year, we would like to wish all of John Gregg’s students and faculty a wonderful year!
Let’s Fight Together
By: T.J. Anderson – 740.512.3278 740.543.4353
[email protected]
On Saturday, September 23rd, Let’s Fight Together will be celebrating its 10th Anniversary with a Festival! It will be at the Bergholz Volunteer Fire Department, 724 Monroe Street, Bergholz Ohio from 10am-4pm. There will be 40 plus vendors, food, 50/50, raffles, and music.
There is a $10.00 set up fee for vendors. To sign up as a vendor, including food and baked goods, or for other information, contact TJ Anderson at 740.512.3278.
A special surprise to honor “Big Daddy” Ron Stone has been planned. All proceeds benefit Let’s Fight Together a non-profit organization for local dialysis patients.
By: Don Lyons 740.768.2680
If you ride around the baseball fields on Garfield Street, you will finally see some new activity. The large field will be used by Dave McBane for high school baseball players as a practice field.
Once again, the smaller field will be used by T.J. Miller and others for little league games who will be practicing here and have Saturday games here for fall ball. Thanks to the Village Council, the stadium and other buildings are getting a new fresh coat of sealer. Good luck to all the teams.
Amsterdam Community Church of God
8247 Bear Road SE
By: Tony Kovalesky 740.543.4041
Pastor David Guess
Church:740. 543.3927
Parsonage:740. 543.3036
[email protected]
It has been a good, but busy and fast-moving summer at the Amsterdam Community Church of God. Pastor David Guess was on a sabbatical for the last three months and the congregation is excited for his return in September. We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to the following people for filling in behind the pulpit in his absence: Pastors Jim Roma, Ray Martin, Jenny Petersen, and Board Members John Finnegin, Bob Whitmore, and Donna Whitmore. Their sermons were inspiring and uplifting.
We finished Vacation Bible School in August with 45 total kids attending and 30 volunteers. Money was raised through offerings to provide funding toward helping with local mission’s outreach at Christmas time this year. The children put on a program to demonstrate what they learned at VBS and afterwards a picnic was held. Following the picnic coat, shoes, and book bags were given to anyone who had a need. We want to thank everyone who contributed toward the success of VBS.
Our human trafficking awareness event will be held on Saturday, September 23, starting at 10:00am. A light breakfast will be provided. We will also have a self-defense class offered as well.
October is Pastor Appreciation Month and on Sunday, October 22, we will honor Pastor David and Marcy Guess with a luncheon following the am service. We encourage everyone to shower our pastor and his family with love by sending cards, gifts, words of encou-ragement, and prayers.
Our Annual Fall Festival (including trunk or treat) will be Saturday, October 28, from 4:00-6:00pm. We will have a variety of activities planned for children and adults. This is a free event, and we hope people from surrounding communities will attend. At the fall fest, we will also be selling a variety of soups by the quart as a fundraiser for the annual women’s retreat in 2024.
Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered ministry for anyone struggling with hurts, habits, or hang-ups of any kind. CR is a safe place to find community and freedom from the issues that are controlling our lives. CR meets every Wednesday at 6:30. CR is currently selling tickets to raffle off a whole hog. Tickets are $10 each and will be drawn once all tickets are sold. There are about 50-60 tickets left to be sold. If interested, see John Finnegin, Donna Whitmore, or Audrey Arbogast.
Our Sunday morning worship service starts at 10:30 each week with the children being dismissed during the service for an experience geared towards their ages. The youth meet on Monday evenings at 6:00. On Tuesday evenings at 6:30 the women meet for Bible Study and Prayer. There is also a Prayer and Bible Study held on Wednesday nights along with CR. On Thursday evenings at 7:00 the men meet for Bible Study and Prayer as well.
Everyone is welcome to worship with us as we are Becoming a Christ-Centered Church By Growing Christ-Centered Followers. Like us on Facebook or contact us online. A place where imperfect people are welcome.
East Springfield Christ UMC
By: Nicki Tennant 740.543.3002
With each ending, there is a new beginning. On July 2nd, we welcomed our new leader, Pastor Deborah Kellar. Pastor Deborah comes to us with an exciting life story. She practiced as a Registered Nurse for 27 years. She is a captain in the Army Reserves where she served with a CASH unit. Before her retirement, she served as pastor at Bloomingdale UMC, Unionport UMC, Scio UMC, and Hanover UMC. She came out of retirement this summer to fill the pulpits at our church and Scio UMC. She is Mother to two children and four grandchildren. In her spare time, Pastor Deborah enjoys quilting. We were able to show her our joy and appreciation by celebrating her birthday in August. Our church family is excited to see what things God has in store for us through our new leadership.
Our weekly Bible Study and prayer meeting will resume on Wednesday, September 13th at 6:30pm. We will start with a review of Romans 1-5. Then we will meet each Wednesday and continue an in-depth study of the remainder of Romans. You are invited to join us.
Tuesday, October 31st 5pm-6pm, we will once
again host Trunk or Treat in our church parking lot. Anyone in the East Springfield community is welcome to participate in this event. At 6pm everyone is welcome to cross the street and attend the annual Halloween party hosted by the Community Center. Costume judging begins at 6:30pm. This is always a wonderful evening. Mark your calendar now!
Sunday, November 5th, during our morning worship service, we will commemorate All Saint’s Sunday to remember members of our church and community who have passed. If you have a name you would like to see included in this special service, please contact the church.
If you are looking for a home church, or just want to stop in for a visit, Sunday School is at 9:45am and Morning Worship at 11:00. Please come and join us.
Faith Community Church
By: Chad Thompson – 740.768.2835
Where does the time go? It is sad to see our Summer coming to a close, but it is exciting to begin to look forward to all that Autumn brings to our area. There is something special about the crisp cool air and the colorful beauty of Fall in the Ohio Valley.
This time of year has always sparked a “Time to get back at it…” mentality for me; back to school, back to work, back to focusing on goals. I challenge you to seek out all the things you can and should “Get Back at It!” and fully embrace that opportunity! Don’t spend too much energy on what you will miss about Summer but get excited about moving forward in your life. A change in season is a great opportunity to evaluate your goals, priorities, and all key areas of your life. So, how is your Spiritual life going? How
is your Faith and Relationship with God? No matter how positive/ negative your answer would be to those questions; Right now is a GREAT time to Get Back at It! It is a great time to get back at; building your relationship with Jesus, reading the Bible, prayer, fellowship, serving, learn-ing, growing in your Faith – a Great time to get back at Church! My prayer for you, is that you would allow God to open your mind and heart to fully embrace Him and all He has for you.
Come Get Back at It with us at Bergholz Faith Community Church.
Please check us on Facebook
Church Services are Sunday Mornings at 10:45am. Our Youth will continue to meet Wednesday at 6:00pm. Our Ladies Group meets on the 3rd Monday of the month at 6:00pm. On Thursdays at 6:30pm AA Meetings.
Please know that we are praying for you and here if you need us or have any questions.
God Bless You.
Pastor Chad Thompson
Bergholz Fellowship /Chestnut Ridge Churches
By: Pastor Lee Iden
We’ve had some very busy times at Bergholz Fellowship and Chestnut Ridge Churches. As of June 30th, we have been disaffiliated from the UMC. In a huge way, that is kind of sad. I was a Methodist all my life! And now, I am not. Kind of sad. But such is life. The UMC wanted to go in directions that I personally could not go. If you want more infor-mation, you’ll have to give me a call and I’ll try and explain things to you, or better yet, come to church at Bergholz Fellowship or Chestnut Ridge Church and we’ll sit down and have a good discussion about it! My cell number is 330-205-1732 and I would LOVE to talk to you!
We are starting some new things at the churches, and I look forward to seeing how God will work those things out; I KNOW He will, I just don’t know how yet!
We have our new sign up at Chestnut Ridge Church! If you get a chance, drive by (1177 Cinder Rd. NE.) and look up at where the old sign used to be. Where it once said, “Chestnut Ridge United Methodist Church Est. 1843”, it now reads, “Chestnut Ridge Church, Est. 1843, Reborn 2023”. We have a lot to be excited about with this new venture at both small churches! We have oppor-tunities to do things that we have been unable to do for a LONG time! We were under such heavy financial burdens inflicted by the UMC, that our hands were virtually tied! We had very little wiggle room when it came to our expenses! Now, out from under the apportionments weighted on us by the UMC, we have more working capital to “be the hands and feet” of Jesus Christ in the world we live in! It’s exciting to see what God will do with us, to us, and for us! If you don’t have a home church, please pray about joining us. We are small, on a good Sunday, we’ll have 25 people, but that does not mean that God is not worshiped! He is our strength! He is our stay! He is the power in us that keeps us moving on toward perfection as the author of Hebrews states in chapter 6, verse 1.
If you are looking for the perfect church, we are not the one, but if you are looking for a church that learns from the bible, come join us! We’ll study together!
Shalom Pastor Lee
Prime Time
The Prime Time lunch program continues at the Bergholz Fire Station Monday through Friday at 11:30am. The lunch program serves those in North Jefferson County, including East Springfield, Amsterdam, and Bergholz.
The cost per lunch for seniors is still only $1.00. Menus are available for the month so you know what we are having and if you would like to order lunch on those days. Please stop at the fire station anytime between 9 and 1 and get more information or to sign up for the hot meal program here at the station.
We thank Prime Time of Steubenville for providing the meals, The Bergholz Fire Department for use of the building, and the Bergholz Foundation for their continuing support is providing lunches here in our communities.
September Holidays
4th – Labor Day
10th – Grandparent’s Day
11th – Patriot Day
15th – Rosh Hashanah Begins
23rd – Autumn Begins
24th – Yom Kippur Begins
October Holidays
9th – Columbus Day
31st – Halloween