Fall wood background with leaves and cranberries and the Bergholz Community Foundation Logo

September/October 2024 Newsletter

Deadline for November/December newsletter is Friday, October 18th.

From the Mayor
By: Gary Griffith 740.768.2632

Here we are again. Summer is over and we’re heading into fall. Another fall season in the Berg. With fall comes the kids going back to school, leaves changing colors and falling, cooler weather, and less daylight. Remember to watch out for the kids heading to and from the bus stops, both morning and evening!

I want to commend the property owners in the Village that have purchased properties and instead of tearing them down, have invested the money and hard work to bring them back to the appearance that it once was. Thank you for your commitment to our community.

Over the past couple of months, I have been asked several different questions to problems in our community, and I’m going to try and answer them in the most tactful way possible!

The first is cats. Several years ago, we were pressed with this problem and an expert on the problem came. With the help of several Village residents, we trapped every stray cat in the Village and took them to be spayed and neutered, at no cost to the Village or its residents. The way the law reads, the animal must be returned to its original location. We were told the way to keep the cat population down was to make sure if you owned a cat, feed it indoors. The strays couldn’t eat, and the experts told us they would move on as a colony. So, not to be mean to the strays, please don’t feed them, and they will move on. If you do have a stray and want to keep it, please have it spayed or neutered. Another thing we observed was when we had a low cat population there was complaints about rats, I haven’t had that complaint for a while!

Another reminder is that even though there is a law in Ohio that fireworks can be let off on several different dates, the Village of Bergholz has an ordinance prohibiting this practice. This is because of the older population and resident’s pets that are terrified of the noise.

Another reminder is if your pets go onto someone’s private property and to do their business, please be respectful to the property owner and clean it up.

With these trying times, and a lot of older residents, it sometimes gets harder for some people to keep up with their properties as far as appearance. Please be respectful to your neighbors and try to keep your property presentable. If you need help, please don’t be afraid to reach out. There’s always someone that will help.

With the arrival of fall, comes fall cleanup. If you have yard cleanup, you can bag it and put it by the street. It will be picked up on the first part of the week. If it gets missed, please reach out so someone can come by and get it.

With October coming that means Halloween! Council has picked Saturday October 26, 2024 from 4:00pm-6:00pm as the day to Trick or Treat in the Village! Residents participating in the Trick or Treat are asked to have their porch light on. Reminders will be posted as we get closer to the date.

A big Thank You to all the residents of the Village both past and present for making the Berg the envy of the valley!

Mayor Gary Griffith

Bergholz Community Foundation
By: Nikki Klein

After 19 years of devoted service, Mike Dubetz has decided to retire from his position as a trustee for the foundation. He has been a dedicated trustee since 2005. Mike has served on multiple committees throughout the years. Most recently, he chaired the Beautification Committee. He has served the foundation very well, and we have been fortunate to have him as a trustee for all these years. Thank you, Mike, for all that you have done over the years. You will be missed by all.

Reminders: Mallory sees patients on Mondays in Bergholz. Call 740-768-1001 on Mondays to make appointments. If it’s any other day of the week, please call the Canton office at 330-956-5236. Insight Clinical Counsel-ing is in the Bergholz office all day on Wednesdays, and every other Saturday. Call 330-397-6007 to schedule an appointment. There is a Narcan box at the Medical Building. It is free. It is a walk-up service. No questions asked.

The Annual Meeting will be held on September 26th at 5:30pm at Trinity United Presbyterian Church in Bergholz.

Bergholz EMS
By: Donna Dailey 740.768.1018

Our EMS group continues to be busy. The members of the department are now being compensated for their time on the runs we have. We are looking for new members to be added to the department. Training is provided so you can receive your National Registration Card for EMS. Please see any member for more information.

Bergholz VFD
By: Dwayne Morley 740.543.3306

October hosts National Fire Prevention Week. We will be going to John Gregg Elementary to introduce the Fire Department to the kids on fire prevention in their homes, along with some fun stuff. On Saturday, October 26 at 6:00 P.M. we will be having our Annual Halloween Costume Contest for the kids following the towns Trick or Treat (4 till 6) here in Bergholz.

The department is looking for additional people to join our group. The members of our department are now being compensated for all runs they go on. Training is provided to receive your State of Ohio 36 card. If you are interested in helping your community, please let any member know.

By: Don Lyons 740.768.2680

Mark your calendar for: Sunday, December 1st at 7:00 P.M. which will be our Annual Town Lighting here in Bergholz. We are always looking for additional members to help out our community. Please contact me for more information.

WEBA Food Pantry
By: Ann Wiley 740.543.3972

Pantry and produce dates:
September Produce: Friday September 20
Pantry: Saturday September 28
October Produce: Friday October 18
Pantry: Saturday October 26
November Produce: Friday November 15
Pantry: Saturday November 23
December Produce: Friday, December 20
Pantry: Saturday, December 14

Northeast Jefferson County Food Pantry
By: Ronnie Shockley 330.627.4080

“Our mission is to serve God and eliminate hunger in our community”
The following are the dates for our REGULAR food pantry distribution on the Third Thursday of the month: Sept. 19, Oct. 17 & Nov. 21

The following are the dates for the WORKERS food assistance program distribution on the First Saturday of the month: Sept.7, Oct. 5 & Nov. 2

Both distributions occur in the rear of Trinity United Presbyterian Church located on 2nd Street here in Bergholz. Donations to the pantry can be made at any time. Please make your checks payable to Northeast Jefferson County Food Pantry. Our mailing address is: P.O. Box 613 – Bergholz, Ohio 43908-0613

Questions? Please contact President Ronnie Shockley at: 330-627-4080 or Kathy Warner at: 740-543-3590. Email: [email protected]
(Thank you all for your prayers while I was hospitalized in July. Ronnie)

East Springfield Community Recreation & Service Center
By: Sue Call 740.543.3700

Join us for our monthly dinner. It is the second Thursday of each month. The time is 4-6:00 pm. On Thursday, September 12th, we will have Cabbage Rolls, mashed potatoes, applesauce, bread, drink, and dessert. The cost will be $11.00. Carry out is available. Come join us for a filling dinner and visit with your neighbors. We sure could use extra help during these meals. Let me know if you are available or just show up!

Thursday, October 31st will be our annual Halloween Party. Start with Trunk or Treat in the parking lot of Christ United Methodist Church from 5pm-6pm. At 6pm travel across the street to our Community Center for the party. Costume judging begins at 6:30pm. All ages are invited to participate in the judging. There will be lots of snacks and treats for everyone. Come celebrate Halloween with us!

Check social media or flyers posted in the community for details of all Center activities. The Center is available to rent. Please contact me for prices and availability.

Mooretown Monument
By: Virginia Boyd Glenn

The last year and half have been a roller coaster ride. We have been dealing with Melanoma skin cancer with Curt, but all is well. We hunted for and found the last six Senior Class photos that hung at Edison High School. We now have 56 photos up to 1995. Thanks to a generous donation from Class of ’54 Alumni, James Bostich, we were able to get them reframed. With the cooperation of the Salem Twp. Trustees, a new home for the photos was found at the Glenn Mills Senior Citizens Center on State Route 152 South of Richmond.

The Edison Local School Board has installed a kiosk at the Edison Field House, and it is full of not only information about Edison but also includes JU, Springfield, and Stanton High School History. Aaron and Kim Richardson are planning an All School Alumni Reunion for all three schools next July at Richmond Park, and we will have the Glenn Mills Center open for a few hours for anyone who wants to see the restored photos.

The Mooretown Civil War Monument has been given another landscaping renovation after some vandalism. Last year we decided to raise the front yard. It was never filled when the road was raised due to flooding in the 1970’s. Thanks to Ross Twp. Trustees who delivered several truckloads of dirt, Doug Pinkerton Excavating for doing a wonderful job of bulldozing, and Slim Pienazek who provided much needed help with labor. Doug and Slim placed sandstones around the upper yard and Curt and our Grandson Coleman Granatir put a wooden board fence around the front. Thanks to funding from the Jefferson County Commissioner’s Recreation Fund, we were able to hire Green’s Landscaping Company to give the grounds a complete reseeding. It really looks nice. If you have not seen it, come out and take a look.

We have a new flagpole, paid for by Cathy Schults from Bacon Ridge and fabricated by her nephew, David Raveaux, in his welding shop WITS Service’s LLC. We placed a plaque on a sandstone slab thanking all the donors who over the years have helped us with funds to make all the improvements possible. This includes: The Charles M. and Martha M. Pugliese Foundation; The Alfred and Lilly Dunlavy Charitable Foundations; The Bergholz Community Foundation; The Ohio History Connection; The Jefferson County Commissioners; and Folks who have donated their time and effort to help with this project.

We have just printed a limited amount of Doc Schilling’s, “Tales and Stories of Yellow Creek” books and a few of Morgan’s Raid books, “The Last Night and The Last Day.” We have an editor working with us on the new book, “Follow the Yellow CRICK Road,” named by Curt. Can you guess what his favorite song is? We also have future plans to reprint a book published by Helen York Rose,” I Walked the Footsteps of My Forefathers.” Helen’s book is about the Castleman girls who were kidnapped by Indians at the Mouth of Croxton’s Run, here in what is now Jefferson County, in 1791. We also have a new website coming.

Faith Community Church
By: Chad Thompson 740.768.2835 / 740.512.3238

Hello to all of our incredible community.

I am sure many of us are a bit sad to see our Summer come to an end, especially the kids who are not thrilled about beginning a new school year, but there is a time and a season for everything. As you read this, I hope and pray that you are determined to make this upcoming Autumn the best season yet! We do not need to wait for the New Year to make resolutions and changes. We don’t need to wait until next Spring to get into shape. We don’t have to wait until next Summer to have fun. We can begin to make up our minds to do better and be better Right Now! We can all do our part to take the steps in the right direction we know will help us improve ourselves and in turn help improve our community. As the leaves begin to have a season of a beautiful change in color, I am praying for our community, our children, our parents, our families and friends, our schools to have a beautiful season of new opportunities and new success.

A great way (I believe BEST way) to take the steps in the right direction, is to take a step closer to God. I would like to take this time to clearly proclaim to you; God ABSOLUTELY loves you. He has a plan for you, and desires the BEST for your life. No matter what you think/feel/heard. No matter where you are in life. God has not run away from you, nor have you gone “too far astray.” No matter how close you are or how far you have gone, no matter how recent or long it has been: an hour, a day, a month, a year, 50 years or longer, God would love for you to take another step closer to Him.
We would love for you to come take a step closer to God with us at Bergholz Faith Community Church. You are always welcome to visit and join us to worship Jesus.

We offer Sunday morning contemporary worship service at 10:45 am. If you would like to come at 10:30 for coffee and some fellowship beforehand, please do. We offer both nursery and children’s church during service and all of our leaders are vetted and well established in their ministry. Please be sure to look at our Facebook page for dates and times or check the sign. Thursdays at 6:30pm there is AA group that meets. Also, our Blaze youth will be starting back up Wednesday, September 4th. All days and times of these events will be available on our Facebook page as well which can be found at here. You may also feel free to call with an inquiry 9am-9pm, 740-768-2835, or if there is an emergency disregard the time frame and call.

East Springfield
Christ UMC
By: Nicki Tennant 740.543.3002
Pastor Deborah Kellar

Fall is looking very busy for the members of CUMC. On September 4th, many of us will participate in a “Spiritual Gifts Survey.” We hope this will guide and direct us in the best ministry area that we can be in for our Lord. Wednesday, September 11th, at 6:30pm, we will resume weekly Bible study with an in depth look into Prayer and Fasting. We know God is the only answer to the troubles in this country and world, and we must call out to Him in prayer for help. Please join us as we dig deeper into what God is calling us to do.
September 1st brings a new quarter of lessons for our Adult Sunday Class. We will be exploring Daniel and Jonah, two prophets of God. Please join us at 9:45 am on Sunday mornings.

In October, we will celebrate Pastor Appreciation Month with a dinner give in honor of Pastor Deborah.

Thursday, October 31st 5pm-6pm, we will once again host Trunk or Treat in our church parking lot. Anyone in the East Springfield community is welcome to participate in this event. At 6pm everyone is welcome to cross the street and attend the annual Halloween party hosted by the Community Center. Costume judging begins at 6:30pm. This is always a wonderful evening. Mark your calendar now!

Sunday, November 3rd, during our morning worship service, we will commemorate All Saint’s Sunday to remember members of our church and community who have passed this past year. If you have a name you would like to see included in this special service, please contact the church.

If you are looking for a home church, or just want to stop in for a visit, Sunday School is at 9:45am and Morning Worship at 11:00. Please come and join us.

Bergholz Fellowship /Chestnut Ridge Churches
By: Pastor Lee Iden

At the worship service a few Sundays ago, we sang the hymn, “Count Your Blessings,” and it REALLY got me thinking. How could I possibly count all of the blessings in my life? THAT’S IMPOS-SIBLE! Well, of course it is. We could start out with the blessings of clean air that we breathe, and the fact that our lungs process O2 and expel CO2. That in and of itself is AMAZING! But that’s only the beginning. Think about the blessings of fresh vegetables out of the garden that so many people never get to experience. When I was a kid, I would go over to the neighbor’s house, Mr. MacAbier’s, and raid his garden for fresh tomatoes and onions and those great peppers he used to grow. MAN, that was GOOD eatin’! Now, I get to go out to my wife’s garden and the process is repeated. MAN, THAT’S GOOD EATIN’! Thank You Holy Father for the blessings of a fresh tomato in the summer and so many other great blessings that I could not begin to count.

A couple of weeks ago, I preached a sermon on “Taking Jesus with You,” and THAT got me thinking. Do I take Jesus with me wherever I go? Do I take Him with me to the gas station when I pay exorbitant prices for gas? Do I take Jesus with me when I go to the grocery store for my wife to pay high prices for the food stuff we need to feed our family? Do I take Jesus with me when I go to the doctor’s office to have him tell me I’m overweight and getting older? Frankly, I could do better at all of those things and a lot more.
As the apostle Paul stated in Romans 7, “I do not practice what I want to do, but I do what I hate.” Boy Paul, you and me brother! There are a lot of things I do good for the Kingdom of God, but there are SO MANY THINGS that I could do better!

If you don’t have a church home, please pray about joining us at Bergholz Fellowship Church at 11:00 on the even months and at Chestnut Ridge Church at 11:00 on the odd months.

Pastor Lee

Something to Think About
By: Dave Miller

For my column in this issue of the Bergholz Foundation Newsletter, I have interviewed Dwayne Morley, Chief of the Bergholz Volunteer Fire Department and Donna Dailey, President of the Bergholz EMS Squad. Both of these groups are so important to the life of our community. I thought it would be interesting to learn a little more about them.

WHEN WERE THE BERGHOLZ FIRE DEPARTMENT AND THE BERGHOLZ EMS SQUAD ORGANIZED? The Fire Department was established in the 1940’s and the EMS in the 1970’s.

WHAT IS THE TERRITORY COVERED? We cover Springfield Township, Ross, Brush Creek, Louden, and Lee Townships. In an extreme emergency, we may respond to a mutual aid call outside these areas.

WHAT ARE THE MEMBERSHIP REQUIREMENTS OF EACH GROUP? The Fire Department requires a high school diploma, at least 18 years of age, and training as a Certified Fire Fighter. The training class cost is $700.00 paid for by the FD. We do try to find grants to cover the cost of training. The EMT training cost is $1,500.00 for 150 hours of training. The Squad will pay for training and any other fees involved. EMT recertification is required every three years.

HOW MANY MEMBERS DOES EACH GROUP HAVE? EMS has 7/8 EMTs and one Paramedic. The Fire Department has 12 members.

HOW MANY CALLS DOES EACH GROUP HAVE ANNUALLY? The EMS responds to 300 calls per year, the Fire Department to 75.

WHAT DOES THE EQUIPMENT COST? The new fire truck cost $800,000.00. That amount was paid for by a grant, The Bergholz Community Foundation, and Fire Department funds. In February 2025, the EMS will receive a new state of the art ambulance. The cost will be $300, 000.00 plus the cost of the equipment.

During the course of our conversation, both Dwayne and Donna stressed the need each organization has for additional members. Both Departments now pay members per call. Dwayne and Donna indicated that both pay for any and all training and fees that are necessary to become a member of either EMS or the Fire Department.

I want to thank Dwayne and Donna for their time for the interview, and if any are interested in further information, please call Dwayne Morley at 740.381.1896.

Library of Steubenville and Jefferson County
By: Jennifer Cesta


September 19th
October 10th & 31st

Grammy’s Diner Amsterdam 10am-11am
Bergholz Fire Hall 11am-12:00pm
Red Dog Road Home Delivery 12:15pm

Contact the Library to learn about our Book Club dates and current titles

September Holidays
2nd – Labor Day
8th – Grandparent’s Day
11th – Patriot Day
22nd – Autumn Begins
25th – See You at the Pole Day

October Holidays
3rd – Rosh Hashanah Begins
12th – Yom Kippur Begins
13th – Clergy Appreciation Day
14th – Indigenous Peoples Day
14th – Columbus Day
26th – Bergholz Trick or Treat 4pm-6pm
31st – Halloween

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