Bright spring flowers and the Bergholz Community Foundation logo

Newsletter – May & June 2020

From the Mayor

By: Gary Griffith 740.768.2632

With the Pandemic going on, things have been brought, pretty much, to a snail’s pace pertaining to the Village’s Government. Brenda Stone finished out her tenure as Clerk-Treasurer at the end of March. Thank you, Brenda, for serving the Village in this elected position. Jeff Kemmer assumed the position April 1st after being elected in the November election. Good luck Jeff on your new duties. With Governor DeWine’s stay at home order, our April Council meeting was cancelled. Hopefully, things will be getting back to normal in May, and we will be having our meeting.

The JB Green Team has put a hold on all Spring Cleanups until further notice. This means the Village Spring Cleanup scheduled for May 9th is put on hold until further notice. We will keep everyone updated on what is going on. I want to give Gary Gurber a shout out to the work he has done to the former Buck Elliott home at 333 3rd Street. Thank you, Gary! On the same note someone has taken over the property on Washington Street, big yellow house on the hill, and is making progress at cleaning it up. Also, someone has been cleaning up the small house on First Street. I’m not sure who the new owners are, but I want to thank you for investing in Bergholz and cleaning up these properties!

A big Thank You to AEP for trimming the trees in the Village that have been a long-time problem! Hopefully all this preventive work will keep the lights on for our residents. With all this being said, I want to Thank all residents both past and present for all you do for Bergholz. You’re what makes Bergholz the envy of the Valley!

Mayor Gary Griffith

Bergholz Community Foundation

By: Amy Richards

Greetings from the Bergholz Community Foundation! It is our hope and prayer that by the time you are reading this, we will be on the road to normalcy in our lives, in our nation, and in our world. The Covid-19 pandemic will forever change the way many of us live and has been unlike anything we’ve experienced before. Who would have ever thought that we would be ordered to stay home, not being able to visit friends and family, or go about life as we wish? Who would have ever thought every student would be home schooled or that everyone would be watching church on TV or on-line? Who would have ever thought that working in a grocery store could be putting your life at risk? Who would have ever thought that we couldn’t go out to eat or attend a concert or sporting event when we wanted to? Who would have ever thought that small businesses would be forced to close, some to never re-open? Who would have ever thought that in this great nation, we would have to worry about having enough hospitals and medical supplies or enough doctors and nurses to care for sick patients?

As we deal with social distancing, many of us have stayed connected through social media or meeting rooms like Zoom, others by phone, FaceTime or video chat. As we have more time at home, and we are living life at a slower pace, think about how some of these changes may be good. Maybe you are eating dinner together as a family now, talking more or playing more games? Maybe you have reached out to cheer someone who’s alone, or supported an organization with a project to serve others? Maybe you are taking walks, so you can be outside, and maybe you are enjoying the beauty you previously drove by because you are walking past it now. We are a people created to need each other and that is more evident now than ever.

As things begin to return to normal, think about the things you take for granted, and be grateful. Take the time to appreciate your family & friends and tell them you love them… often. Thank our teachers for their dedication and to the staff that keep our schools running so our children can learn. Thank God for the freedom to praise and worship Him! Be kind to the clerk at the grocery store and grateful that you have food to eat. The next time you’re in a crowd (and you will be) be grateful for community! Support your small businesses. They work harder than most to make our communities great! If you know or see a health care worker, thank them for the tireless work they have been doing to help heal this nation!

As we go through the next few weeks, or however long it takes, take time to notice your blessings, no matter how small or insignificant they may seem. Tell people they’re appreciated and valued. Help your neighbor, help a stranger, be kind, work hard, and love well.

Bergholz Community Foundation

By: Amy Richards

The Bergholz Community Foundation will be accepting applications for project funding through the month of May. Applications will NOT be mailed this year, as they are available for download here.

If you had a chance to walk past the community bulletin board you may have noticed the Celtic artwork that the 5th grade students from John Gregg provided in March and the beautiful crosses in April from the Sonshine Club at the Presbyterian Church. If your group or organization would like to decorate or display some of your artwork, please contact any foundation board member. It would be great to show off something new each month!

And finally, Congratulations to all graduates! The Bergholz Community Foundation is proud to be able to award 10 scholarships to graduates that reside in the Edison Local School district.

Christian Emergency Relief

By: Polly Dubetz 740.768.2511

The Christian Emergency Relief fund is being managed at Trinity United Presbyterian Church. If you need assistance, please call 740-768-2511 and leave a message.


  • The area to be served by the fund will be the Bergholz and Amsterdam Post Office.
  • Persons in need of financial help must contact Trinity United Presbyterian Church at 740-768-2511.
  • All monies will be distributed by check by the treasurer.
  • Persons will be required to present the bill to the treasurer, who will then forward the check and bill to a third person account.
  • Funds will be given to pay such bills as utility bills, rent, and medicine.
  • The maximum amount given will be $250.00.
  • The Fund will assist a person only once each year.
  • Funds will be paid directly to the third party.

Northeast Jefferson County Food Pantry

By: Debbie Wiley 740.768.2471

Greetings once again from the Food Pantry. I would like to recognize a very beautiful, caring, and lovely lady, Dixie Saltsman. Dixie was with the pantry for 21 years, served as Secretary, and much more. She was a lady who walked with God every second of her life. I’m sure if you had ever come into the pantry, she would have met you with her beautiful huge smile. Dixie always made sure to share God’s love with everyone, either by talking with you or just giving you a hug. She is now on vacation with Jesus Christ in heaven. Dixie will be missed by everyone involved with the Pantry and all who knew her.

Our workers are 100% volunteers. They work every month to serve. So, I asked them, “Why do you do this?” Here are some of their reasons. It make me feel better about myself, I love helping people, It’s an honor to serve the children of God, Sharing our Love for others, Making beautiful friendships, helping people to build their Faith, Sharing God with each other, Sharing God’s blessings, God called for us to feed his children, God needs me and you to do it. Our God is good to all of us. Let’s make sure we share God’s love with others. Thank you to all the volunteers. Keep up God’s work!

It has been a rough few month for all of us. We just went through a season remembering God sacrificed his Son for us. Even though it sometimes is scary, remember Deuteronomy 31:8, “The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.“ Our mission is to eliminate hunger in our community. With God’s blessing we will be able to do this. We have been blessed to be here to serve. This organization distributes food to clients and is always improving technology. Because of all the support we receive from generous people like you and local churches, the food pantry can help the community. The food pantry would like to send a very special thank you and blessings to all in the community who help us.

Food distribution is every 3rd Thursday of the month. The time is from 9am-Noon. The pantry is planning a bread give away soon. Pantry will keep you informed, and it will be posted at the Post Office and on Facebook. The time will be 10am-Noon. Also look for sign that will be posted in front of the United Presbyterian Church.

Remember to always walk with God. He is our provider. If you need to contact us, call President Ronnie Shockley 330.627.4080; Director Kathy Warner 740.543.3590; or e-mail [email protected].

You can make donations to: The Northeast Jefferson County Food Pantry, PO Box 613 Bergholz, Ohio 43908. Please make checks payable to: The Northeast Jefferson County Food Pantry. The donations are tax deductible. The pantry is a part of a tax-exempt nonprofit 501(C) (3) organization. “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:9. Be kind to one another during this very hard time and share with everyone. Have no fear; our God is bigger than this Covid-19. May God Bless us all

WEBA Food Pantry

By: Ann Wiley 740.543.3972

Who would have thought that an invisible virus could cause such havoc and uncertainty in our lives? The Covid 19 has done just that. In spite of the major alterations to our lives, workers at the WEBA Food Pantry have met the challenge and are continuing to provide much needed food for our friends, families, and clients of northern Jefferson County.

Although the mode of distribution has changed, food is still being passed out. Bags and boxes of food are pre-packed by workers and passed out in a drive-thru fashion at the WEBA Center. Clients don’t even leave their cars. There are not enough “Thanks” to these workers for their dedication to the pantry. They are in a sense our first responders and front-line workers for the people and needs of the community. This crisis will pass. We will get through this.

What will the new “normal” look like? This cannot be determined at this time. Up-coming pass out dates are as follows: May 28 and June 25. Time remains 10am-1pm. The pantry is planning its summer yard sale scheduled for August 7 & 8 at St. Joseph School. Watch for further information in the coming newsletters.

Amsterdam Lending Library

By: Ann Wiley 740.543.397

Who would have thought that an invisible virus could cause such havoc and uncertainty in our lives? The Covid 19 has done just that. Currently the recycling program at the library is on hold. How long? We are not sure at this time. Watch for the cable across the drive to be removed. That will signal that we are open again for recycling.

I regret having to inform our children that the summer reading program is cancelled for this summer; June & July 2020. With school being closed, we are unable to get notification to the children and our summer volunteers, readers, crafters, game leaders, are not available. In summer of 2019, we had only 4 children come to the library reading program. We are hopeful that the summer program will resume the following summer.

When we are able to resume some semblance of “normal”, recycling will resume. Continue your efforts of recycling by taking items to the large bins located in the area. I know there are numerous bins in the parking lot at Kroger in Wintersville. Continue to do your part in saving our environment.

Bergholz/Chestnut Ridge United Methodist Churches

By: Pastor Lee Iden 330.894.2389/330.614.4395

Luke 24:1-8, On the first day of the week, very early in the morning, the women came to the tomb bringing the spices they had prepared. They found the stone rolled away from the tomb. They went in but did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. While they were perplexed about this, suddenly, two men stood beside them in dazzling clothes. So the women were terrified and bowed down to the ground. “Why are you looking for the living among the dead?” asked the men. “He is not here, but He has risen! Remember how He spoke to you while He was still in Galilee, saying, ‘It is necessary that the Son of Man be betrayed into the hands of evil men, be crucified and rise on the third day?’ And they remembered His words.

Why are we looking for the living among the dead? This verse, verse 5, typifies hope! We are living in a world right now, with this coronavirus epidemic running rampant, that is lacking in hope. Friends, we are in dangerous times; people are dying of this virus, but the fact remains that God is STILL in control. There is no darkness that Jesus Christ cannot see through! There is no pandemic that God is afraid of! We have hope! This too shall pass. We’ve had pandemic health crises before, and we will have them again. We will find a solution for this virus just as we have found vaccines for all of the other viruses that have plagued us in the past. We must have hope! We must not look for the living among the dead!

We were apart over Holy Week and Resurrection Sunday. The churches were empty, but so was the tomb! That’s the thing we need to focus on! Easter was celebrated in different ways than we normally do, but is that such a bad thing? It FORCED us to think outside the box; it forces us to move in worship in different ways. So many churches went “live stream”, showing their pastor’s and worship leaders in worship just the same as if their congregations were right there with them. That’s not a bad thing. We must keep in mind that no matter what our worship services looked like, Jesus Christ STILL rose from the dead, He STILL sits on the right hand of God the Father and He is STILL in control!

I would love to be able to say to you through this blessed newsletter that very soon everything will be back to normal; I can’t. I don’t know when we will again be able to gather in our churches and worship the God we love. But what I do know is that we don’t have to be in church to worship. Yes, I love the times that we come together under one roof and sing together and hear the scriptures read together and pray together and we are together IN PERSON as church families, but maybe this virus times helps us remember that God is with us ALWAYS, not just on Sunday mornings.

Hebrews 13:8 tells us that “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.” That’s a promise! And just because our worship had to change, doesn’t mean that Jesus Christ does! I would love to be able to tell you that on such and such a date we at Bergholz and Chestnut Ridge United Methodist Churches will be doing such and such; I can’t. But what I can tell you is that when this all blows over, and it will, then we will have our Holy Week celebrations. We will have Palm Sunday, we will celebrate Holy Thursday services, we will celebrate His Resurrection just as we would have when we should have. In this case, timing is NOT everything; when it happens, God will bless it!

Stay safe, stay healthy, for now, stay home and know that God loves you. If you are looking for a church to call home, when this is all over, come visit us; Bergholz UMC meets at 10:45 am Sundays and Chestnut Ridge meets at 11:45 am. The bible is read, the old hymns are sung (mixed in are some of the new worship songs too) and the name of Jesus Christ is lifted up on high!
Pastor Lee

Trinity United Presbyterian

By: Pastor Nancy DeStefano 740.768.2511

Like so many of you, the members of Trinity UP Church have been spending a lot of time at home following the “Stay at home” orders to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus. One thing folks in a small town know how to do is make the best of hard situations and “tend the home place.” It might encourage you to know that Psychological research from the past century shows the lowest depression rate in British history in the city of London was during the bombing raids because they had community support, and they had purpose. While we wait out this terrible season of threating illness, we have created new and interesting ways to communicate. Trinity members have been logging on to Facebook and posting thoughts and comments. Pastor Nancy DeStefano has been recording sermons live, or uploading them, to the Trinity United Presbyterian Church Bergholz Facebook page. Along with her sermons, she has been sending out “Wednesday Words of Encouragement” to help bolster morale. Work on their church web site is moving forward, and for those members who are not internet users, old fashioned U.S. Mail is being used to send out copies of sermons and messages. The additional time at home is also allowing members to talk to one another by phone.

The Northeast Jefferson County Food Pantry which normally hosts a walk-through for patrons every third Thursday of the month had to “pre-bag” items and place them outside the building for pick-up at the March 19th event. The food pantry distribution for April 17th had to be cancelled all together due to increased risk of spreading the virus.

Our Vacation Bible School which is often scheduled for the second week of June is temporarily on hold until we see how this virus pandemic plays out. The Christian Education committee hopes to hold their “Maker Fun Factory” VBS as health recommendations permit. Planner, Mindy Carpenter says, “We hope to hold it in late July or early August if possible.” Meanwhile, students who attended Sunday school since September will receive their certificates of completion in the mail. The older youth of Bergholz who are involved in the IGNITE program have produced a group video, in their spare time from doing on-line schoolwork. The video project has been directed and edited by leader Amy Richards.

As a congregation, we are all praying for an end to the spread of this terrible virus and for the hearts of America to be joined in a common purpose of seeking God’s mercy and grace.

Amsterdam Community Church of God

8247 Bear Road SE
By: Tony Kovalesky 740.543.4041
Church: 740. 543.3927
Parsonage:740. 543.3036
[email protected]

Bergholz EMS

By: Don Rowe 740.768.2659

Paul tells us, “So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life–your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life–and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him.” Romans 12:1 (THE MESSAGE)

We started DRIVE-IN church services on Palm Sunday and had 35 cars in attendance. On Easter we had over 50 cars. Everyone seemed to have a great time. We will continue Drive-In services under the social distancing rules until they are lifted. We have purchased an FM transmitter so people can use their car radios to listen to the broadcast. We will also use it to provide Drive-In Movie nights this summer.

We have been providing on average 35 hot breakfasts on Mondays and Fridays since March which have included pancakes, French toast, Biscuits and Gravy, and breakfast burritos. We will continue this ministry until schools are back in session.

May 10th is Mother’s Day and all mothers in the church will receive a special gift and recognition. May 17th we will celebrate with those students who are graduating this year with a recognition during the Sunday morning service. On Father’s Day, June 21st, we will honor and recognize with a gift the fathers in attendance that morning.

On May 30th the Amsterdam Community Celebrate Recovery (ACCR) will be hosting a Hog Roast/Potluck Dinner complete with fun and games and a movie night here at the church. More details coming.

On June 5th and 6th, the women of the church will hold a rummage sale in the fellowship hall to raise funds for missions. The funds raised will assist in the support local, national, and international ministries If you have items to donate please call the church at 740.543.3927.

On Sunday June 14th, we will celebrate the Pastor’s Third Anniversary by having a picnic, swimming, and games at Elkhorn Valley Christian Camp following the AM worship Service. Everyone is invited to join us as we plan to eat around 1:00.

IGNITE Youth Group

By: Amy Richards 740.768.2209

The IGNITE Youth Group ended early this year due to the stay at home order, but not before a fun night at the Capitol Music Hall in Wheeling, WV where they attended a Casting Crowns concert! Normally they would have finished up the year on Palm Sunday weekend with a lock-in at Trinity United Presbyterian Church at which they would prepare to lead worship the next morning. This has been the tradition for a number of years, something that we all look forward to, and we were all sad that it couldn’t happen.

We had a great group of young adults this year, averaging 12 per meeting with a total of 14 members. We would like to recognize three of our members who will graduate from high school this Spring. All three have been faithful members of IGNITE since the 6th grade. They have developed into leaders in our group that the other members look up to and can trust. They are Alec McBane, Troy Hackathorn, and Austin Broadinski. Alec, Troy & Austin, may God’s blessing be upon you as you pursue your college careers. You will all will most certainly be missed.

The IGNITE Youth Group is for anyone in grades 7th -12th and will resume regular meeting the Fall.

East Springfield Church of the Cross

By: Beverly Pethtel 740.543.3282

Hello all. I bring you greetings from the East Springfield Church of the Cross. As we all distance ourselves, we continue to celebrate the fact that Jesus is alive, and God is still in control. We have adapted our Food Pantry to a drive-through system. This will stay in effect until the all clear is given for our Churches to resume. Be sure and watch for updates for May’s distribution which is scheduled for May 2nd. We did celebrate a drive-in service for Easter Sunday. It was well attended, and I know all those in attendance were blessed.

Pastor Bob has been sharing messages via Facebook over the weeks we’ve all been staying home. At this time we are unsure of what the months ahead will bring, but each day we can find ways to show God’s love by calling someone, sending a note or card or a text, and don’t forget those in our nursing homes.

Also remember the class of 2020 who have given up the joys of making Senior memories. If you have one in your family, show them a little extra love. As we have been reminded through this all, the Church is not the building we go to worship in. We are the Church, and it’s time for us to practice being the hands & feet of Jesus. The Church office is open on Tuesday & Thursday for the time being. We are all in this together and will come out stronger if we remember to stay Focused on Jesus and not our fears. Fear is a liar. Until next time- Blessings.

Faith Community Church

By: Chad Thompson 740.768.2835

Hello to all of you in our wonderful community. I hope and pray everyone is doing well during this unique and difficult time. Please know that we here at Bergholz Faith Community Church are keeping you all in our prayers and are here for you if you need us. I know we all are experiencing various challenges and obstacles in our everyday lives at this time and are looking forward to getting back to “normal”. I just want to take a moment to encourage you; I am seeing and hearing of so many people in our community caring, helping, and supporting each other. So many checking up on and praying for others. It is such a blessing to be part of a community that pulls together (even while keeping a safe social distance) and genuinely cares for one another. I also want to encourage you to please look for the blessings God is providing in and around your own life. We can be purposeful during this time to slow down and focus on the things that really matter in our lives. Please know that God never stops loving us, and He is always wanting to hear from us.

During this challenging time, we are working hard to stay available and connected to you through various methods. We are active on our Facebook page; we have the past few weeks sermons, and worship available there. We have been connecting with our youth and others through Zoom, sharing Scripture, prayer requests, encouragement, and all-around great conversations over the phone and texts. We also now have a brand new website available to keep you updated with any info and provide you with content, so please check it out

We have also been very busy and working hard inside the church building. We are very blessed to have some exciting updates for you when we are finally able to come back and worship God together! Please keep united even while we are separated. Please check in for any news/info/updates. Please contact us if you have any questions.
We miss you and Love you all so much!
Pastor Chad Thompson

East Springfield Christ UMC

By: Nicki Tennant 740.543.3002

God likes to move us out of our comfort zones. He likes to challenge us with new ways to love and serve Him. The cancellation of corporate worship, study, and fellowship was a new challenge to Christ UMC. We are a very social church. Trying to discover new ways to reach out to our community and each other moved us out of our comfort zones.

Pastor Greg Bush offers weekly sermons on our Facebook page. He stays in contact with each of us via phone calls or social media, as we the members have been striving to do as well.

We are praying that in the latter part of May, we will be allowed to return to worship in our church building. One of the first celebrations we will have is to honor our high school graduate, Jadyn Bennett. Jadyn graduates from Steubenville Big Red. She is a member of the National Honor Society, a four-year academic letterman, and a fouryear letterman for the girls’ soccer team. She will also graduate with an associate degree from EGCC. Jadyn will attend Lake Erie College to major in Biology and Pre-Vet Medicine and play soccer. Congratulations Jadyn! We love you and know God has great plans for you.

One of our first activities will be to assemble Health Kits that are passed out through UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief) to distressed areas. We, like every other church and organization, are on wait and see status are far as all other activities – VBS, picnics, Bible Study, and other community outreach.

We know God is in control and we at CUMC plan to return as a renewed and refreshed congregation, hungry to serve our Lord. Hallelujah! When the day arrives that we can once again meet and worship together, if you are looking for a home church, or just want to stop in for a visit, we have Adult Sunday School at 9:45am and Morning Worship at 10:45. Please come and join us.

Something to Think About

By: Dave Miller

“A Twist in Plans” So read the Wedding Announcement I recently received. Originally the wedding had been scheduled for this June. Because of Coronavirus 19, it has been rescheduled for 2021. How many plans, lives, and schedules have been twisted because of the pandemic the world is experiencing?

A morning phone call, from a friend, nearly three weeks ago told me that his granddaughter’s husband had died the night before of Coronavirus 19. Ben was just 30 years of age – a Special Ed teacher, a baseball coach, his wife a teacher, a volleyball and basketball coach. They lived in New Jersey just across the Hudson River from New York City.

Our world has been turned upside down. Loss of employment, shortage of goods of various kinds, empty store shelves, so many businesses closed because the government has not deemed them “essential businesses.”

I have a grandson in New York who is to graduate high school this year, his sister is to graduate college. At this time no one is sure what will happen. Thousands are in the same circumstances. Facebook just this morning told of a school in Pennsylvania that is planning to hold its graduation at a Drive-In Theater.

Churches have had to develop innovative plans to continue to reach out to their congregations. There are drive-in services, social media services, phone call prayer services, home communion services, and other ideas to keep in touch with the spiritual flock. One thing I have heard rather consistently, though, is that more people are being reached for Christ today than on a normal “in church building service.” When we are free to assemble again, wouldn’t it be wonderful if church attendance would increase.

As so often is true, trouble brings out the best in people. There are stories of neighbors helping neighbors. Children buying groceries for their parents, so the older folk don’t have to go out. Persons calling others to check on them to see if they are okay, do you need anything? Beside family who call, I’ve been blessed to have ten or so persons call to see how I’m doing or to see if they can get me anything when they go to the store.

Yet, Spring is coming! The early flowers, daffodils, hyacinths, snow drops have bloomed or are now blooming. Though I’ve not strayed far from home, I’ve seen fields plowed and being made ready for planting. I’ve a notion home gardens, once the threat of frost is past, will be planted as in a normal year.

My own plans have become twisted. Sometime ago I received and accepted an invitation to return to New York in July to speak to the Senior High Camp at Catskill Christian Assembly, the Church Camp I help establish and then managed for several years. As I write this, those activities are being cancelled because of the coronavirus 19. While I was anticipating returning to NY, I know those plans were nowhere as significant as the problems so many others are facing!

In these hours, I share with you, wherever you are in life today, the words of Solomon, as found in Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.”

Let’s Fight Together

By: T.J. Anderson 740.512.3278 / 740.543.4352
[email protected]

Let’s Fight Together Raffle Benefit

All proceeds will go to “Let’s Fight Together COVID-19 Relief. We are going to help some people that are out of work because of the virus and also to Kevin Sczruba’s family. Kevin passed away from cancer shortly before COVID-19 started. We want to fight together with these families.

$10 per Ticket. Tickets can be Purchased at GIANNAMORE’S PIZZA. If you help sell tickets, sign the back of each ticket you sell and if you sell the $500 winning ticket, I will reward you with a $100 cash prize! Prizes are: 1st – $500 Cash 2nd – $250 Cash 3rd – $100 Cash

Drawing will be when last ticket is sold. 100% of the proceeds goes to The Cause.

For any information on anything above please call 740.512.3278 or [email protected] or TJ Anderson on Facebook. Tickets can be purchased through PayPal also. I just need name and number and email, and I’ll send you your proof ticket. PayPal [email protected]

Library of Steubenville and Jefferson County

By: Jennifer Cesta 740.282.9782

Thursdays: May 7th & 28th, June 18th
Amsterdam Parking Lot: 11 a.m.
Bergholz Fire Department: 12 p.m.
Bergholz Post Office: 1 p.m.
Contact the Library to learn about our Book Club dates and current titles.

May Holidays:

  • 7th – National Day of Prayer
  • 10th – Mother’s Day
  • 16th – Armed Forces Day
  • 25th – Memorial Day
  • 31st – Pentecost Sunday

June Holidays:

  • 14th – Flag Day
  • 20th – First Day of Summer
  • 21st- Father’s Day

Deadline for the July/August Newsletter is Friday, June 19th.

May/June 2020 – Issue 124
Elaine M. Berard, EDITOR
e[email protected]

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