Beach scene with a boat on the water and a beach umbrella and accessories set up with the Bergholz Community Foundation logo

Newsletter – July & August 2020

From the Mayor

By: Gary Griffith 740.768.2632

With the Coronavirus restrictions going on over the past several months there hasn’t been much to report. Hopefully, everyone is enjoying the beautiful weather we’ve been having. We’ve been having our Council Meetings on a limited basis due to social distancing requirements of the Coronavirus. On June the 10th the Governor of Ohio lifted the restrictions on the parks so the playgrounds in the village were able to reopen.

The Village had a contractor come in and make repairs to the truck route. Also, Columbia Gas has been replacing the gas line on Washington Street which has been needed for some time. With this happening, sometime in the near future the Gas Company will be going down each street replacing all the gas lines in the Village. Once all the digging is complete, we will be doing some much-needed paving.

We have been sending out letters to property owners that have neglected to mow their property. The way the ordinance is written is if they don’t comply to the letter or notice put on their door, the Village has the right to clean up said property and charge it to that property’s real estate taxes.

Hopefully sometime later this summer, with the help of the Ruritan Club and the Community Foundation, we will be able to have a clean-up day. A big Thank You to Village Residents both past and present for making the Village of Bergholz the envy of the Valley!

Mayor Gary Griffith

Bergholz Community Foundation

By: Nikki Klein

Summer is finally here! I hope you have been able to get out and enjoy some sunshine! I pray everyone is doing well during these unprecedented times. I have been turning to my bible more than ever. Isaiah 41:13, “For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.” We have had some beautiful artwork displayed on the community bulletin board. If your group or organization would like to decorate or present some of your artwork, please contact a foundation board member. We look forward to enjoying the artistic talent of our community.

The Foundation will be hosting an Immunization Clinic in September at the medical building. There will be a variety of shots available, including flu and shingles. Look for information posted on our Facebook page, website, local churches, and businesses as to the date and time.

In honor of our local graduates, we hung banners with the grad’s pictures on them in Bergholz and Amsterdam. If you have not checked them out, please do so. They look great!

The following students were awarded scholarships: Austin Brodzinski, Alec McBane, Troy Hackathorn, Hayden Johnson, Emily Kennedy, Mikayla Petrisko, George Ash, Gabrielle Carpenter, Allison Grimes, and Andrew Pugh. Congratulations!

One of the foundation’s original founders, Bill DeNoon, had a favorite poem that he liked to recite. If you were a friend, family member, or an employee you probably heard him recite this a time or two. I thought it would be a great one to share with our graduating seniors that are moving on to their next chapter in life. 

It Couldn’t Be Done

By: Edgar Albert Guest

Somebody said that it couldn’t be done
But he with a chuckle replied, That “maybe it couldn’t,” but he would be one
Who wouldn’t say so till he’d tried.

So he buckled right in with the trace of a grin
On his face. If he worried he hid it.
He started to sing as he tackled the thing
That couldn’t be done, and he did it!

Somebody scoffed: “Oh, you’ll never do that;
At least no one ever has done it;”
But he took off his coat and he took off his hat
And the first thing we knew he’d begun it.

With a lift of his chin and a bit of a grin,
Without any doubting or quiddit,
He started to sing as he tackled the thing
That couldn’t be done, and he did it.

There are thousands to tell you it cannot be done,
There are thousands to prophesy failure,
There are thousands to point out to you one by one,
The dangers that wait to assail you.

But just buckle in with a bit of a grin,
Just take off your coat and go to it;
Just start in to sing as you tackle the thing
That “cannot be done,” and you’ll do it.

Bergholz EMS

By: Don Rowe 740.768.2659

Well, it seems like our little town made it through the virus pretty well. As far as we know, no one has had it here in town. Our EMS class got delayed by the virus for a couple of months. We will be holding another EMT or First Responders class this fall. We do need volunteers to help us keep our services running. Anyone over 18 can take the class. Please be safe this summer if you are traveling and remember the kids are out and about near our playgrounds. We thank you for your continued support!

Bergholz VFD

By: Dwayne Morley 740.543.3306

What a spring we have had with this virus. We had to close the station down of all activities. Under the new rules from Columbus, we have decided not to re-open the station at this time due to the procedures that we would have to follow. Therefore, we are not open to: Prime Time, Country Night, or any rentals. We are in hopes that some of the rules will be lifted later this fall so we can go back to some kind of normal here at the station. The kids’ dances this fall will all depend on the rules the State puts out for us to follow. We are still planning to have our Weekend of Dinners in August in conjunction with the Enduro Bike Race. The dinners will be take-out only for every one’s safety. This year will be one for the record books! We thank each of you for your continued support and your understanding while we all get through this.


By: Don Lyons 740.768.2680

First and foremost, the club owes everyone an apology about the flags not being up for Memorial Day and Flag Day. With everything that has been going on and everything that has been cancelled, no one gave it a thought! July 4th we will have some flags up! Due to the restrictions by the state, we did have to cancel this year’s July 4th celebration. I can’t remember when we had to cancel the 4th in Bergholz.

The new High School Senior Banners are on display! We would like to thank the Bergholz Foundation for providing them for both Bergholz and Amsterdam. The students will get their banners when we take them down. Congrats to Seniors Alec McBane and Troy Hackathorn for receiving the Ruritans yearly scholarships.

Our food pantry received funds from us to help purchase a new freezer since their old one gave out on them. We thank the members of the food pantry for the work they do in providing food for our residents.

Hopefully this fall (if the state changes some of its rules) we are hoping to have some kind of community event around either Labor Day or in October. Our group has always been active in providing our community with things to do throughout the year and boy do we miss that and miss seeing you. We are also going to try to have a community clean-up day later on this year if all goes well. Every year our club provides manpower for picking up trash that everyone has put out for our once a year town clean-up. Our next fund raiser will be our Turkey Raffle this fall.

Even with this virus still active in some places, we are trying to get back to normal and make this the best little community around as we always have tried to do for both our kids and adults alike. Until next time let’s hope the state changes some current rules and our town can get back to normal.

MisFit Gym

By: Tara Givens 740.768.2715, Jessica Champion 740.768.7027, Mindy Carpenter 740.768.0313

Misfit Gym is back open and ready to help you lose your quarantine weight!! We are following the CDC guidelines and hope you will too. We have hung up signs for the guidelines and have a sign-in sheet at the front door. Contact us on Facebook messenger or by phone to become a member today. Classes will be starting back up in July. More details to follow on our Facebook page. Come get strong with us!

Northeast Jefferson County Food Pantry

By: Debbie Wiley 740.768.2471

Greetings once again from the Food Pantry. Our workers are 100% volunteers. They work every month to serve. This is a time of hardship for a lot of our families. With unemployment rates so high, we are here to serve.

Our mission is to eliminate hunger in our community. With God’s blessing we will be able to do this. This organization distributes food to clients and is always improving technology. In 2019, we served 72,156 pounds of food. In 2020, we have served out 29,220 pounds thus far.

Because of all the support we receive from generous people like you, local churches, and the many organizations that donate for this cause, the Food Pantry can help the community. The Food Pantry would like to say to all who generously donate, “Thank You.”

Food distribution is every 3rd Thursday of the month. The time is from 9am-Noon. We will be passing out food in July. When there will be bread to pass out, we will keep you informed. It will be posted at the Post Office, on Facebook, and a sign in front of the United Presbyterian Church. The time will be 10amNoon. Remember to always walk with God. He is our provider.

If you need to contact us, call President Ronnie Shockley 330.627.4080; Director Kathy Warner 740.543.3590; or e-mail [email protected] om

You can make donations to: The Northeast Jefferson County Food Pantry, PO Box 613 Bergholz, Ohio 43908. Please make checks payable to: The Northeast Jefferson County Food Pantry. The donations are tax deductible. The pantry is a part of a tax-exempt nonprofit 501(C) (3) organization.

Hebrews 13:15-16, “Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise – the fruit of lips that openly profess His name. And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with sacrifices, God is pleased.” Be kind to one another during these hard times. Have no fear. Our God is bigger than this Covid-19. May God bless us all.

WEBA Food Pantry

By: Ann Wiley 740.543.3972

Social distancing, masks, gloves, hand sanitizers, Clorox wipes. When will it all end or get back to some semblance of normal? From what I gather from the news, not any time soon.

The WEBA Food Panty continues to serve our neighbors and friends in need. Drive through pick up of food will continue for the present time, probably at least through September. Pass out dates are July 23, August 27, and September 24. Times remain at 10:00am-1:00pm. Be sure and bring your own boxes.

Currently the WEBA Food Pantry is planning its annual yard sale. The sale will run on Friday and Saturday August 7&8. The sale will be held at St. Joseph School in front of the building. Many items are available. There will be baked goods for sale.

Once again, there are not enough “Thank Yous” to our list of wonderful volunteers who work tirelessly unpacking trucks of food, packing bags and boxes for pass out, and being there to help with pass out to our clients. The pantry could not operate without our volunteers.

Faith Community Church

By: Chad Thompson 740.768.2835

Hello to all of our AMAZING Community. Summer is back, and we at Bergholz Faith Community Church are back to meeting together for service as well. It is so very good to be back! We are currently offering two (2) services to worship God together, Sundays 10:45 AM and Wednesday 6:30 PM. We are observing social distancing and encouraging those that join us to wear masks, so things may look a little different for now, but we are worshipping and serving Jesus with the same love, hope, joy and peace as always. We would love for you to come and worship with us.

I hope and pray that you all are doing well and safely enjoying the beautiful Summer days God is blessing us with. I encourage you to fix your eyes on God during any hardship and uncertainty that you may be experiencing. I encourage you to remain hopeful and thankful for everything that God is doing for you and your loved ones each and every day. Seeing all of our community care for and serve one another has been an incredible blessing for me to witness and a privilege to be a part. Please know that we are praying for you and your families, and please feel free to call if you have a prayer request, or a need.

Trinity United Presbyterian


We say goodbye to Pastor Nancy DeStefano as she leaves our church for a church closer to her home in Bellaire, Ohio. We say hello to Lay Pastor Rich Cunningham who will be serving our congregation for the next month or two until we hopefully find a new Pastor. We have opened our church for Sunday services. Masks and social distancing are in play! We are sorry to say that there will be no Vacation Bible School this year due to the virus. We will have to wait now until fall when school starts to see what happens to Sunshine Club and Ignite youth club. We do miss all the kids who normally would be attending these programs here at the church. We will just have to wait patiently and see what the future brings. The food pantry continues to operate the third Thursday of every month. Hopefully we will have some good news to share in the next newsletter!

Amsterdam Community Church of God

8247 Bear Road SE
By: Tony Kovalesky 740.543.4041
Church: 740. 543.3927
Parsonage:740. 543.3036
[email protected]

Wayne Watson, a popular songwriter from a couple decades ago, wrote the following lyrics based on the book of Esther which are a reminder to us, as children of God, to our higher calling as we live out Christ grace and mercy in a time like this:

For such a time as this I was placed upon the earth: To hear the voice of God and do His will whatever it is.
For such a time as this, for now and all the days He gives, I am here, I am here, and I am His, for such a time as this.
But right here, right here for this time and place, you can live a mirror of His mercy. A forgiven image of grace!

Although the COVID-19 pandemic canceled much of what we planned to do for AprilMay we still were able to celebrate God’s faithfulness to us. During the last 3 plus months we have served over 1,500 meals on Monday and Friday mornings. Besides providing sack lunches on those days we provided hot breakfast from 9:00-10:00 am which have included pancakes, French toast, biscuits and gravy and breakfast burritos. We are continuing to serve on Friday mornings through July as of this writing.

The church is serving as a host sight for the Edison Local summer lunch program. AFREE GRAB-N-GO breakfast and lunch is provided from 10:30–11:30 Tuesday-Thursday through sometime in August regardless of income. This is for students and others up to the age of 21 in the surrounding area and is not just limited to Edison Local residents.

During April and May the church hosted Drive-In worship services on Sunday mornings with 30-50 cars each week in attendance. The church purchased a FM Radio Transmitter (88.3) in May and was able to use it to broadcast the service to those who attended which made it easier than setting up the sound system each week. We really enjoyed the Drive-In experience. We were able to return to the building for services on May 31 but continue to broadcast to those that may still attend in the parking lot.

Celebration Recovery meets on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 and is doing very well. CR hosted a HOG ROAST on Saturday, May 30th which was well attended. There were activities, games, an outdoor movie, and an abundance of great food. If you have any habits, hang-ups, and hurts and are looking for support there is a place for you at Celebration Recovery.

We are blessed to have CJ Guess intern here at the church this summer. She was born in Amsterdam when her father was the pastor in 1999. She is working with the youth, working in the Landing with Celebrate Recovery, will be speaking once a month, and doing many other odd and end jobs. CJ is on summer break from MidAmerica Christian University. We are so excited to have her with us!

One of the highlights of each summer for us is Vacation Bible School. Sadly, we will not be holding our traditional VBS but are working on an alternative. It is too early to announce what that will be so keep a look-out for an announcement in July. We hope to also have a couple outdoor movie nights for kids and family.

We will be collecting school supplies for our annual back to school bookbag give away towards the end of July! Please consider donating supplies and bookbags as soon as possible! We appreciate your participation in this community outreach.

Our Sunday morning worship service starts at 11:00 each week during the summer with the children being dismissed during the service for an experience geared towards their ages. The youth (grades 6- 12) meet most Sundays from 12:30-2:00 pm with a meal, games, and lessons. During the week of July 19-26, the youth will be going to the NEO Retreat Center of the Church of God for a week of fun and spiritual growth. On Tuesday evenings at 6:30 the women meet for Prayer and Bible Study. The Men meet for the same reason on Thursday evenings at 7:00. There is also a Prayer and Bible Study held on Wednesday nights also at 7:00. 

Bergholz/Chesnut Ridge United Methodist Churches

By: Jessica Champion For Pastor Lee Iden 330.894.2389/330.614.4395

Please keep Pastor Lee Iden in your prayers for his continued road to recovery. He is at home now healing after he fell from a barn roof in March and was hospitalized for 49 days. Our Lay Speakers are preaching so we do still have church on Sunday at 10:30 am.

Something to Think About

Pastor Dave Miller

On Saturday, July 4, we shall celebrate the 244th anniversary of American independence. It is tragic that many do not realize the reason for the day. Charles Colson said a few years ago that a Gallup Poll revealed that twenty-five per cent of Americans, one out of four, do not realize that July Fourth commemorates the signing of the Declaration of Independence.

It has been and continues to be a costly freedom. Hundreds of thousand of men and women have given their lives. My Uncle Clay gave his life, June 9, 1944 on the beaches of Normandy as did so many others.

America was founded by people yearning to be free, both politically and spiritually. They were brave people, courageous people, people willing to suffer hardship and trial to be free of tyranny. The Mayflower Compact contains these words, Having undertaken for the glory of God, the advancement of the Christian faith, and the honor of our King and country, a voyage to plant the first colony in the Northern parts of Virginia.

Inscribed on the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia are these words, proclaim liberty throughout the land to all its inhabitants. Those words are from the Bible, Leviticus 25:10. The bell first rang on July 8, 1776 to call the people together for the first public reading of the Declaration of Independence.

On the day, in the early 70’s we saw the Liberty Bell, we also visited the home of Betsy Ross. It was she who was given the honor of sewing the first flag for America. It is said that George Washington suggested the colors of red, white, and blue. It is also told, that he showed Betsy a six pointed star, but she showed him that she could make a five pointed star with jut one snip of her scissors.

I do not know where I found the words that follow, but I believe they are appropriate for these troubling times in which we now live.

I am the flag of the United States of America
My name is OLD GLORY
I stand for peace, honor, truth, and justice
I stand for freedom
I am confidant
I am arrogant
I am proud
I have fought in every battle for every war for more than 200 years
I was flown at Valley Forge, Gettysburg, Shiloh, and Appomattox
I was there at San Juan Hill, the trenches of France
In the Argonne Forest, Anzio, Rome, and the beaches of Normandy,
Guam, Okinawa, Korea and Khesan, Saigon, Viet Nam know me
I was there I led my troops, I was dirty, battle worn, and tired, But my soldiers cheered me, and I was proud.

I have been burned, torn, and trampled on the streets,
Of countries I have helped set free,
It does not hurt for I am invincible,
I have been soiled upon, burned, torn, and Trampled in the streets of my country
And when it’s done by those Whom I’ve served in battle – it hurts
But I shall overcome – for I am strong.

I have slipped the bonds of earth,
And stood watch over the uncharted
Frontiers of space from my vantage point on the moon I have borne silent witness to all of America’s finest hours.

But my finest hours are yet to come,
When I am torn into strips and used as bandages
For my comrades on the battlefield
When I am flown at half-mast to honor my soldier,
Or when I lie in the trembling arms of a grieving parent At the grave of their fallen son or daughter, I am proud.

Please respect me that I may fly another 200 years!

East Springfield Christ UMC

By: Nicki Tennant 740.543.3002

We have returned to our regular Sunday morning worship schedule. Pastor Greg has been asked to by our district Superintendent to fill the pulpit at New Somerset UMC for the next few weeks. Pastor starts his Sunday at New Somerset and is back at Christ UMC in time for Sunday Morning worship.

On Sunday, July 5th, we held our annual church picnic and worship service at Elkhorn Christian Service Camp in Bergholz. It was a wonderful time of fellowship and renewal.

We are unsure at this time if we will sponsor our Back to School giveaway. We are waiting to hear what the local school districts will be doing this fall. Then we will know how we can best serve the needs of the students and teachers.

If you are looking for a home church, or just want to stop in for a visit, Sunday School is at 9:45am and Morning Worship at 10:45. Please come and join us.

Amsterdam Lending Library

By: Ann Wiley 740.543.3972

The recycling center is open again. I am told that there may be another temporary shut down when the sewer project lays lines in front of the garages of the recycle center. This will depend on the schedule of the company doing the project.

As for the library opening again, this is still in limbo. We need volunteers to man the library on a regular basis. Books for the library can be left on the front porch. Someone will take them into the building My guess, at this point, is that the books would be recycled.

The lending library was a tremendous asset to the village and surrounding communities. However, more and more people are reading books on Kindles, IPads, phones, chrome books, and various other electronic devices. Old fashioned libraries are becoming a thing of the past. So sad.

Christian Emergency Relief Fund


The Christian Emergency Relief fund is being managed at Trinity United Presbyterian Church. If you need assistance, please call 740-768-2511 and leave a message.


  • The area to be served by the fund will be the Bergholz and Amsterdam Post Office.
  • Persons in need of financial help must contact Trinity United Presbyterian Church at 740-768-2511.
  • All monies will be distributed by check by the treasurer.
  • Persons will be required to present the bill to the treasurer, who will then forward the check and bill to a third person account.
  • Funds will be given to pay such bills as utility bills, rent, and medicine.
  • The maximum amount given will be $250.00.
  • The Fund will assist a person only once each year.
  • Funds will be paid directly to the third party.

East Springfield Community Recreation & Service Center

By: Sue Call 740.543.3700

We have started having our monthly dinners once again. They have been on the second Thursday of the month instead of the first. The meals have been for carry- out only at . Thank you to everyone who has supported the Center through our monthly dinners.

Check social media or flyers posted in the community for details of all Center activities.

The Center is available to rent. Please contact me for prices and availability.

Let’s Fight Together

By: T.J. Anderson 740.512.3278 / 740.543.4352
[email protected]

Let’s Fight Together Raffle Benefit

All proceeds will go to “Let’s Fight Together COVID-19 Relief. We are going to help some people that are out of work because of the virus and also to Kevin Sczruba’s family. Kevin passed away from cancer shortly before COVID-19 started. We want to fight together with these families.

$10 per Ticket. Tickets can be Purchased at GIANNAMORE’S PIZZA. If you help sell tickets, sign the back of each ticket you sell and if you sell the $500 winning ticket, I will reward you with a $100 cash prize! Prizes are: 1st – $500 Cash 2nd – $250 Cash 3rd – $100 Cash

Drawing will be August 7th, 2020 100% of the proceeds goes to The Cause.

For any information on anything above please call 740.512.3278 or [email protected] or TJ Anderson on Facebook. Tickets can be purchased through PayPal also. I just need name and number and email, and I’ll send you your proof ticket. PayPal [email protected]

A Boy and His Dad

By: Edgar Albert Guest

A boy and his dad on a fishing-trip—
There is a glorious fellowship!
Father and son and the open sky
And the white clouds lazily drifting by,
And the laughing stream as it runs along
With the clicking reel like a martial song,
And the father teaching the youngster gay
How to land a fish in the sportsman’s way.

I fancy I hear them talking there
In an open boat, and the speech is fair.
And the boy is learning the ways of men
From the finest man in his youthful ken.
Kings, to the youngster, cannot compare
With the gentle father who’s with him there.
And the greatest mind of the human race
Not for one minute could take his place.

Which is happier, man or boy?
The soul of the father is steeped in joy,
For he’s finding out, to his heart’s delight,
That his son is fit for the future fight.
He is learning the glorious depths of him,
And the thoughts he thinks and his every whim;
And he shall discover, when night comes on,
How close he has grown to his little son.

A boy and his dad on a fishing-trip—
Builders of life’s companionship!
Oh, I envy them, as I see them there
Under the sky in the open air,
For out of the old, old long ago
Come the summer days that I used to know,
When I learned life’s truths from my father’s lips
As I shared the joy of his fishing-trips.

Library of Steubenville and Jefferson County

By: Jennifer Cesta 740.282.9782

Thursdays: Jul 9th & 30th, Aug 20th
Amsterdam Parking Lot: 11 a.m.
Bergholz Fire Department: 12 p.m.
Bergholz Post Office: 1 p.m.
Contact the Library to learn about our Book Club dates and current titles.

Deadline for the September/October Newsletter is Friday, August 17th.

July/August 2020 – Issue 125
Elaine M. Berard, EDITOR
e[email protected]

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