Path with grass and flowers on the side

Newsletter – May & June 2021

Deadline for the July/August 2021 Newsletter is Friday, June 18th

From the Mayor

By: Gary Griffith 740.768.2632

What great weather we’ve been having this spring. Hopefully, everyone has been enjoying it! To start with, I want to give my condolences to the Carson family on the passing of village resident John R. (Dick) Carson. Dick was born, raised, and lived his whole life in Bergholz. Bergholz was his life, showing that by the many hats he wore around the Village, from Fire Chief, Mayor, and Village Administrator. Dick definitely loved Bergholz. Dick you will be missed.

Village Cleanup will be Saturday May 8th. With the shortage of help that has been occurring over the past several years, we are asking anyone that can help by taking your items to the Township Building, either on the 6th or the 8th, would be greatly appreciated. If you can’t, place it in front of your residence and someone will pick it up starting on May 6th. Springfield Township Cleanup is Thursday May 6th. If you have tires, make sure you bring them to the Springfield Township Building on May 6th. This will be the only day to dispose of them. No electronics will be accepted on either day. If you have electronics to dispose of, please contact the JB Green Team, and they will help you with this. The phone number is 740-266-6899.

The Village Council has renewed the lease with Consumers Bank for another 5 years. Thank You to Consumers for committing to Bergholz. Consumers wants to thank everyone for their business here in the Village.

On the subject of the State Route 164 bridge, hopefully all the wrinkles put in the project, with the collapse of the bridge, have been ironed out and work is starting to progress again. As of April 14th, the Contractor was out there working. I spoke with the ODOT Inspector on the project, and he assures me that the September 2021 completion date, listed on their website, is still what they are pushing for.

We still haven’t received confirmation from Columbia Gas as of a starting date on the project they are going to start in the Village. When we do, we will keep residents updated.

With spring cleanup of lawns, you can take lawn waste to the Village Garage at 901 Washington Street, across the tracks and dispose it, or put it out, and we will get it as in the past. A reminder that Village Ordinance calls for all lawns to be mowed in the months May through September. If you have a neighbor that has been mowing your lot to keep it looking good, in addition to their own, please give them a big Thank You!

As always Thank You to all Village Residents both past and present for what you do to keep Bergholz the envy of the Valley!

Mayor Gary Griffith

East Springfield Memorial Day Parade

By: Sue Call 740.543.3066

The Annual Parade will be Monday, May 31st. Line up will be at the Old School Apartments on State Route 43 beginning at 9am.

The parade is scheduled to start at 10am. It will travel State Route 43 from the Old School to The East Springfield Community Center. A program with music and guest speakers will be held, followed by a covered dish dinner. 

There will be a variety of prizes in different categories including floats, horses, and novelty.

All who desire are invited to attend. Please contact Sue Call for registration or more information.

East Springfield Community Recreation & Service Center

By: Sue Call 740.543.3700

Join us for our monthly dinners. We have changed the date to the second Thursday of each month. The time is 4-6:30 pm. On Thursday, May 13th, we will have Baked Steak, mashed potatoes, green beans, bread, drink, and dessert. The cost will be $9.00. The June 10th meal will be cabbage rolls.  Come join us for a filling dinner and visit with your neighbors.

Check social media or flyers posted in the community for details of all Center activities. The Center is available to rent. Please contact me for prices and availability.

Bergholz Community Foundation

By: Nikki Klein

Summer is almost here! This is one of my favorite times of the year!  I love to hear the sounds of summer; birds singing, crickets chirping at night, sizzling barbecues, kids playing, and the buzzing of the lawn mowers.

The “Get Egged” project was a big hit in the community. 36 seniors received baskets and 50 children received eggs.  Thanks to all our wonderful volunteers that helped make this project possible.  This is a part of our Project Hope Project. We are looking to spread a little joy throughout the community, and I think we all need a little of that right now.  We look forward to doing more projects like this in the future.  

Please remember to take advantage of the Workers Food Assistance Program.  This program was set up to assist working people that are unable to receive assistance through the Food Pantry Program. There are no income restrictions, but you must provide a current paystub to show proof of employment.  This takes place the 1st Saturday of every month from 11am-1pm at the back of the Trinity Presbyterian Church in Bergholz.  There are a limited number of boxes available for distribution.  The program has been funded through a grant from the Bergholz Community Foundation and run by the Northeastern Jefferson County Food Pantry.

Reminder:  Mallory Richards Puckett, CNP will continue to see patients on Wednesdays at the medical building.  Her office hours are from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm.  Dr. Ish Rawal will be in the Bergholz office from 9am-12pm on the 4th Friday of every month.  Call 740-768-1001 or 330-956-5236 to make an appointment.  We are thankful to have them as a part of our community.

Once again, those that have decorated the Community Bulletin Board have outdone themselves! Thank you for taking pride in our community.  If you would like a chance to decorate the board, please contact a board member.

The scholarship recipients will be listed in the June/July newsletter.

The Homestead Rendezvous

By: Polly Givens

The Homestead Rendezvous, a homesteading, small farm, and agricultural field day, is being held on the Bergholz Firehall grounds in Bergholz, Ohio on May 15th from 9:00am – 4:00pm.

The field day is geared to the small landowners and those interested in becoming more self-sufficient and supporting the local economy. 

Agricultural businesses, homesteaders, and small farmers will be on-site to sell their products, promote their businesses, and meet customers.

A few of the businesses attending are Miller Rolling Acres Metal, Top Notch Feed, Anchor’s Point Repair, Quail Cottage Homestead, Givens’ Tree Farms, Grafton’s Apiary, Fuhrer’s Farm and Rabbitry, Ashmore Farms, J. Willis Coal Supply, Luke Dougherty Blacksmithy, Anchor’s Point Farm, Coldwell Timber Consulting, Sophia’s Peeps and Quacks, Carroll County Antique Tractor Club, Fancy Meats Butchering, Christy Hunsberger Handmade Quilts and Comforters, Carpenter’s Second-Hand Homestead Supply, Elizabeth Evans Sheep Shearing and more. What the Cluck Food Truck will be set up on site.

Attendees will be able to purchase local honey, maple syrup, quilts and hand sewn items, jellies, hand-raised peeps and ducklings, vegetable plants, locally produced meat, soap, quail and pheasant chicks, homestead items, animal feed and much more.

Spinning demonstrations, forestry consultation, advice about using solar energy as an alternative on the homestead, and sharpening services will also be available. Bring your scissors and knives for on-site sharpening. There will be opportunity to schedule sheep shearing, butchering services, metal roof installation and forestry services. 

Vendor spots are open for $10/site. To reserve a spot, call Bob at 740-768-2483

Admission to field day is free of charge. No dogs except service animals.

COVID Concerns: This is an outdoor event. If you are at risk due to age or medical condition, take appropriate precautions to stay safe.. 

Let’s Fight Together Mini Flea Market

By: T.J. Anderson
Rodney Leas: 740.543.1396
[email protected]

The Annapolis Mini Flea Market kicks off Saturday, May 8 from 10am-4pm. The location is the crossroads of State Route 646 and County Road 39, 2 miles from East Springfield.

Many vendors and yard sale items will be available. Set up is free, and anyone interested in being a part of the flea market can set up any time after 8am.

Food, drinks, and jerky will be for sale by organizer “Let’s Fight Together.” “Let’s Fight Together” is a nonprofit that helps dialysis patients.

Another Flea Market is planned for August 14.

Library of Steubenville and Jefferson County

By: Jennifer Cesta

May 20th
June 10th  
July 1st
Red Dog Road
Amsterdam Parking Lot
10:30 a.m.

The Bookmobile will not be visiting Bergholz while the bridge is under construction.
Residents are welcome to visit the Bookmobile at the Brush Creek Township Building on Fridays
May 21st
June 11th
July 2nd

A Mother’s Love

Author Unknown

There are times when only a mother’s love
Can understand our tears,
Can soothe our disappoints
And calm all of our fears.

There are times when only a mother’s love
Can share the joy we feel
When something we’ve dreamed about
Quite suddenly is real.

There are times when only a mother’s faith
Can help us on life’s way
And inspire in us the confidence
We need from day to day.

For a mother’s heart and a mother’s faith
And a mother’s steadfast love
Were fashioned by the angels
And sent from God above.

Happy Mother’s Day

“Silent, Strong Dad,”

By Karen K. Boyer

He never looks for praises.
He’s never one to boast.
He just goes on quietly working
For those he loves the most.
His dreams are seldom spoken.
His wants are very few,
And most of the time his worries
Will go unspoken, too.
He’s there… a firm foundation
Through all our storms of life,
A sturdy hand to hold onto
In times of stress and strife.
A true friend we can turn to
When times are good or bad.
One of our greatest blessings,
The man that we call Dad.

Memorial Day

Memorial Day is an American holiday, observed on the last Monday of May, honoring the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military.  

Originally known as Decoration Day, it originated in the years following the Civil War and became an official federal holiday in 1971. Many Americans observe Memorial Day by visiting cemeteries or memorials, holding family gatherings, and participating in parades. Unofficially, it marks the beginning of the summer season.

The Civil War, which ended in the spring of 1865, claimed more lives than any conflict in U.S. history and required the establishment of the country’s first national cemeteries. By the late 1860s, Americans in various towns and cities had begun holding springtime tributes to these countless fallen soldiers, decorating their graves with flowers and reciting prayers.

On May 5, 1868, General John A. Logan, leader of an organization for Northern Civil War veterans, called for a nationwide day of remembrance later that month. “The 30th of May 1868 is designated for the purpose of strewing with flowers, or otherwise decorating the graves of comrades who died in defense of their country during the late rebellion, and whose bodies now lie in almost every city, village, and hamlet churchyard in the land,” he proclaimed.

The date of  Decoration Day, as he called it, was chosen because it wasn’t the anniversary of any particular battle. On the first Decoration Day, Gen. James Garfield made a speech at Arlington National Cemetery, and 5,000 participants decorated the graves of the 20,000 Civil War soldiers buried there.

Memorial Day, as Decoration Day gradually came to be known, originally honored only those lost while fighting in the Civil War. But during World War I the United States found itself embroiled in another major conflict, and the holiday evolved to commemorate American military personnel who died in all wars, including World War IIThe Vietnam WarThe Korean War and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

For decades, Memorial Day continued to be observed on May 30, the date Logan had selected for the first Decoration Day. But in 1968 Congress passed the Uniform Monday Holiday Act, which established Memorial Day as the last Monday in May in order to create a three-day weekend for federal employees; the change went into effect in 1971. The same law also declared Memorial Day a federal holiday.

MisFit Gym

By: Tara Givens 740.768.2715
Jessica Champion 740.768.7027
Mindy Carpenter 740.768.0313
MisFit Gym 740.768.1525 

MisFit Gym is still going strong and getting people stronger every day! Classes and personal training sessions are continuing as well. New members are joining us daily. Message us on Facebook to join and come see what we are all about.

Misfit Gym Classes Tuesdays-Stretching and Strength- 7:00pm;
Thursdays-12 Rounds- 6:00pm (Included in membership)
Personal training provided by Adina Gamron/ Chris Jolly
Rental of the GCC Fellowship Hall (Hall from Old Church of Christ) for $75.00 for the day.

Northeast Jefferson County Food Pantry

By: Debbie Wiley

Always here to remind everyone we are all volunteers who work for the Lord. 

We would like to remind everyone about the Work Food Assistance Program. This program has been set up to help working people whose income exceeds federal and state guidelines for assistance through the Food Pantry. The distribution of these food boxes will occur on the first Saturday of every month between 11am-1pm.  The dates are: May 1st, June 5th, July 3rd, August 7th, September 4th, and October 2nd. A current paystub will be needed for visual verification of work status. The distribution will occur at the rear of the Presbyterian Church, Second Street in Bergholz.

The Pantry would like to give a big Thank You to the Church of God and Chestnut Ridge United Methodist Church for their generous donations. We would also like to thank all the different organizations and all the personal donations from everyone who helps keep the Pantry going. God is good! 

The Pantry has changed its time. The new time is 8am-Noon It is still every 3rd Thursday of the month.  May 20th, June 17th, July 15th, August 19th, September 16th, October 21st, November 18th, December 16th. If for any reason the date would have to change, always check the sign in the Post Office.

 Our mission is to always serve God and to eliminate hunger in our community.

If you need to contact us, call President: Ronnie Shockley, 330-627-4080. Director: Kathy Warner, 740-543-3590 or Email [email protected]

You can make donations to: The Northeast Jefferson County Food Pantry, PO Box 613 Bergholz, Ohio 43908.  Please make checks payable to: The Northeast Jefferson County Food Pantry.  The donations are tax deductible.  The pantry is a part of a tax-exempt nonprofit 501(C) (3) organization.

A thought for the day: Today I will support a friend through prayer. John 8:12 Jesus says, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.”

If you need a Bible, please let us know at the Pantry. We are not only workers of the Pantry, but we are also here to serve the Lord.

WEBA Food Pantry

By: Ann Wiley 740.543.3972

The guidelines for this pandemic are still in effect. This makes it necessary for the WEBA Pantry pass outs to remain the drive through format. The pantry is also the recipient of direct produce pick-up, also in the drive through format.

Upcoming dates are as follows: May produce pick-up is Friday, May 21: food pick-up is changed to Saturday, May 29. June produce will be on Friday, June 18; food pass out will be on Saturday June 26. Produce pick-up is limited to WEBA Outreach Food Panty Clients only. Names are taken at the pass-out.

The WEBA Outreach Food Panty is currently serving approximately 151 families monthly. This accounts for 372 individuals being served. The need is still great in our area.

The annual fundraiser for the pantry will be the yard sale scheduled for Friday and Saturday, August 6 & 7. Items will be available by 9:00am both days. Baked goods will also be available.

 Again, there are not enough thank yous for our volunteers. We could not serve without your help and participation.

It is one of the beautiful compensations in this life that no one can sincerely try to help another without helping himself. Ralph Waldo Emerson

Bergholz/Chestnut Ridge United Methodist Churches

By: Pastor Lee Iden

What a joy it is to be a follower of the One True God!!! To KNOW that we have an advocate in His Very Son is astounding! Jesus Christ is our brother, our Lord, our Rock and our Redeemer! He is Risen! He is Risen INDEED! Thank You Father God for Your infinite mercy and grace! 

We have had a busy Easter season at Bergholz and Chestnut Ridge UMC’s. Easter was a joyous time and saw us come together for a nice Good Friday worship service. Easter morning saw us worshiping a good number of the Bergholz Community at the gazebo in Bergholz for our Son Rise service. We went from there to a very nice light breakfast in the fellowship hall at BUMC and then we gathered together in the sanctuary for a time of praise and worship to the God who lifts us up out of the mire of the world into the blessings of His Holy space. 

We are again studying God’s Holy Word after a time when we were apart due to the COVID 19 pandemic. We meet at Bergholz at 1:00pm every Tuesday and currently we are studying the gospel of Luke. If you get the opportunity, join us, we have some interesting conversations and discussions.

We were, due to the pandemic and other reasons, combining our worship services at Bergholz for a time, but beginning on April 11th, we went back to gathering at both churches; Bergholz at 10:30am at Chestnut Ridge at 11:45am. 

We completed our roofing project at Chestnut Ridge recently and a huge thank you to all who donated to that very needed remodeling issue. In the process of adding a new roof, we had a water issue and had to replace our entire water system at the same time! God is good and the people of Bergholz are generous and loving and both projects are complete. 

We look forward to worshiping together when we can again, but it is good to be back at the two churches! God has blessed both churches with a long life span and the Word of God is being spread about just as He mandates it should! 

If you don’t have a home church, we would love to invite you to worship with us at the times mentioned above!
God is GOOD, all the time; all the time, God is GOOD!
Shalom Pastor Lee

Faith Community Church

By: Chad Thompson

Hello to everyone in and around our beautiful community.  I hope you have been enjoying the incredible blessings of Spring; the warmer weather, the signs of new life seen the blooming flowers, and heard in the chirping of the birds.  Spring is such an awesome example of a fresh start and new beginnings.

At Bergholz Faith Community Church we were blessed to experience many incredible things during this year’s Spring.  We were able to work together to continue to overcome the many difficulties we have all faced due to the Covid 19 pandemic and find ways to encourage one another, serve each other and worship God together.  

With spring came the 13th annual Christ Walk. Many people from Bergholz and Amsterdam joined Faith Community Church and several area churches on our 7-mile prayer walk.  This took place on Good Friday. Our church was blessed to have the opportunity to lead the worship and give the message at this year’s walk.  It will be something we continue to participate in and coordinate in years to come. We hope you all join us next year.  We also had the great blessing to have some of our Faith Community worship members participate in a local fundraising concert.  All in all, Holy week was amazing and such an incredible blessing to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus with so many wonderful people.

 In the upcoming weeks, we are making every effort to continue persevering through the present obstacles and move closer to “back to normal” and participate in more local and community ministry.  This week our nursery, and children’s church will be opened back up. We are so excited to see all of our amazing area children back at church with us.  

With summer approaching we are extremely excited to see what ministry opportunities God brings our way.  Come fellowship with us Sunday at 10:45am.  Don’t forget to like us on Facebook so you don’t miss out on any upcoming events. 
Or call us with any questions

God Bless You, 
Pastor Chad Thompson 

Trinity United Presbyterian

By Pastor Richard Cunningham

A Short History of Bergholz Trinity United Presbyterian Church

As a community, Bergholz has a strong sense of its history. We of the Trinity United Presbyterian Church also take strength in the formation, background, and long history of our Church covering over 200 years.

 The roots of the Church stretch back to the founding of the Yellow Creek congregation in 1818. The structure housing our sanctuary was erected in 1886 and dedicated in 1893. It held a congregation originally as a mission station of the Mooretown and Yellow Creek Churches, but the churches were merged in 1947 due to growth and strong leadership.  The original building was remodeled and in 1952 a formal dedication ceremony was held for the new sanctuary. Again, a merger of the First Presbyterian Church and the United Presbyterian Church resulted in the formation of the Trinity United Presbyterian Church in 1959. Again, growth in the Church resulted in the construction of the Christian education wing in 1964.

 Our history has been celebrated at each milestone such as Yellow Creek Church’s 125th anniversary in 1943, with Mr. V. A. Barnes, Minister and Trinity’s 165th anniversary in 1983, Rev Robert Taylor, Pastor,  as well as the 175th anniversary in 1993, Rev Robert Kantz, Pastor, and finally the education wing dedication in 1966, Mr. Allen McCallum, Minister.

Over the history of the Church, the dedication of the members is reflected in no less than five members following the call to full time ministry: H. W. Crabbs, J. Dorrance, R. Leeper Stevenson, E. Kelly, and C. Haney.

Trinity Church continues today to carry on the tradition as a small congregation with a big heart for ministry to our community and around the world.

Something to Think About

By: Dave Miller

Recently many have been asking, “how I like living in Bergholz?” Very honestly, I can answer, “I love it.” Let me share a few reasons why the past six months have been such a wonderful time. At the farm out on Hump Run, I heated primarily with wood for the past ten winters. Though the wood was graciously supplied by the Elkhorn Valley Camp, still there was carrying it in, starting fires, etc. Here I set the thermostat at 70 degrees when heating season began, and I have not touched it since. Then, there was a sump pump to handle the water when we had heavy rains and the basement flooded.

I have great neighbors. Several have offered to help if I have needs they can assist with. Easter Sunday, I sat on the front porch for an hour or so. I could wave over to my neighbors across the street and call over, “Happy Easter.” They returned the greeting.

As one who has always appreciated woodworking, and had a woodworking shop out at the farm, (two sons-in-law and a grandson will share the tools) I appreciate the woodwork on the inside of the house here. Many who have been inside the house over the years also comment on the beauty of the woodwork. The dining room is especially beautiful. Though now it is my Study Room as I continue to preach.

As Spring is arriving, I am enjoying the abundant plants and beautiful flowers the Gardners planted over the years. There were many crocuses, hundreds of daffodils, (Shelva’s favorite flower) a large row of forsythia, a red bud tree, and some clematis just beginning to start. I am waiting to see what else will show itself as the growing season continues.

I am just a short trip to the Post Office to pick up my mail. (Still getting used to that) When I don’t feel like preparing my own meal, the Bergholz Diner and/or the Supermart are just a couple of minutes away.

It was time to make the move from the farm to the village, and I am thankful to be a part of the “Berg.” 

East Springfield Christ United Methodist Church

By: Nicki Tennant

We finished a remarkably busy season of Lent at Christ UMC. It was such a blessing to enjoy the Easter season this year, especially after missing so much during last year’s Covid cancellations. May and June appear to be just as busy for us.

We have just started a new Wednesday night Bible Study of the Book of Revelation. Please join us at 6:30pm for this study. Immediately following we have a special time of praise, testimony, and prayers.

Thursday, May 6th, the church will be open for meditation on the National Day of Prayer. Saturday, May 15th, there will be a Mother’s Daycovered dish dinner at 5pm. Any ladies in the community are welcome to join us. We are reminded to wear red on Pentecost Sunday, May 23rd. We will finish out the month of May by participating in the Memorial Day Parade at 10am.   During June, we will focus on two of our annual mission projects. We will collect items needed for the Health Kits that we donate through UMCOR.

The kits will be assembled Wednesday, June 9th after Bible Study and Prayer Meeting. We will also begin to collect donations for our Back-to-School Giveaway in August.

 We will hold a covered dish dinner after morning worship on Sunday, June 13th.  Father’s Day will be celebrated during the Worship Service on Sunday, June 20th Plans are underway for our annual church picnic on Sunday, July 25th at Elkhorn Christian Camp.

The Adult Sunday School class will finish the Spring Quarter study of Romans. We will start the Summer Quarter on Sunday, June 6th. This quarter will focus on “People of Valor” in the Bible, including Joshua, Gideon, Elijah, Esther, Peter & John, and several others.   Everyone is welcome to join us each Sunday morning at 9:45am for Sunday School and 10:45am for Morning Worship. “God speaks in the silence of the heart. Listening is the beginning of prayer. “Mother Teresa

Amsterdam Community Church of God

8247 Bear Road SE
By: Tony Kovalesky
Church: 740. 543.3927
Parsonage: 740. 543.3036

[email protected]m

April was a busy month for us as we celebrated Passion Week with a Palm Sunday celebration, Maundy Thursday Foot Washing and Communion, a Tenebrae Service on Good Friday and on Easter Sunday a Sunrise Service at the Amsterdam Gazebo, Breakfast, and an Easter worship celebration.  It was so good to celebrate in the building this year although we had a great time last year in the parking lot of the old Springfield High School. The following Sunday Jonathan White shared ministry through music, the next weekend the annual Women’s Retreat was held at Century Farms, Carrollton, and the last Sunday of April we celebrated our 111th Anniversary as a fellowship of Christ-followers in the Amsterdam area with several people being baptized.

On Saturday, May 8, we will have a Daughter’s Banquet starting at 5:30.  The men of the church will be preparing the meal and maybe even have a surprise for the “daughters”.  We are asking for a $5.00 donation to offset the cost of food. May 9 is Mother’s Day and all daughters in the church will receive a special gift and recognition.  May 23, we will celebrate with those students who are graduating this year from high school and college with a recognition during the Sunday morning service.

On Saturday, May 22, the Amsterdam Community Celebrate Recovery (ACCR) will be hosting a HOG ROAST/Potluck Dinner complete with a movie night, fun and games to kick off the summer. Everyone is invited to attend. More details are coming. Amsterdam Community Celebrate Recovery, a Christ-centered program with large and small groups where everyone can find freedom from any hurts, hang-ups, and habits that are controlling their life, meets on Wednesday at 6:30 pm. We want everyone to find a sense of family at ACCR so after small group, everyone is invited for dinner in the Warrior Way Café located in the fellowship hall. We also have classes for kids ages 5-11 in the Celebration Place and grades 7-12 in the Landing.

On Saturday, June 5, we will be providing a Human Trafficking Awareness Seminar and will be offering light self-defense and awareness of your surroundings classes along with various other classes keeping with the seminar title.

Tentatively, the women of the church will hold a rummage sale in the fellowship hall to raise funds for missions on June 11 and 12.  The funds raised will assist in supporting local, national, and international ministries. If you have items to donate, please call the church.

Sunday, June 13, is We Love Our Community Day. The church will meet at Rogers Park for morning worship (weather permitting) followed by a picnic and work projects throughout the park and community. Everyone is welcome to attend and participate.

On Father’s Day, June 20, we will honor and recognize with a gift the sons in attendance that morning. We currently are planning to have a cook-out following the service. On June 27, Jennie Peterson and several of her youth from the East Canton Church of God will share about their upcoming trip to Uganda during the morning worship.

  Our worship service starts at 10:30 am on Sundays along with children’s church. The youth meet on Sunday evenings at 6:30. During the week we have a Women’s Bible Study on Tuesdays, a Mixed Adult Bible Study on Wednesdays, and a Men’s Bible Study that meets on Thursdays.   Like us on Facebook or contact us. A place where imperfect people are welcomed.

May Holidays:

  • 6th – National Day of Prayer
  • 9th – Mother’s Day
  • 15th – Armed Forces Day
  • 23rd – Pentecost Sunday
  • 31st – Memorial Day

June Holidays:

  • 14th – Flag Day
  • 20th – Father’s Day
  • 20th- First Day of Summer

Deadline for the July/August Newsletter is Friday, June 18th.

May/June 2021 – Issue 130
Elaine M. Berard, EDITOR
e[email protected]

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