Thanskgiving turkey with white wood background and the Bergholz Community Foundation logo

Newsletter – November & December 2020

Community Pride Alive in Our Community

From the Mayor

By: Gary Griffith 740.768.2632

Hopefully everyone has been enjoying the beautiful fall weather we’ve been experiencing. The fall colors around town are absolutely stunning! With the arrival of fall comes leaves from the trees. If you bag them, we will be around and pick them up.

With the holidays coming we will, hopefully, be having light up night on Sunday, November 29, 2020 at 7:00pm. The reason I say hopefully is because when AEP changed the pole at the corner of 2nd and Jefferson, the service for the Christmas lights didn’t get hooked back up. We hope to have this taken care of by light up night.

A big Thank You to Laurie and Curt Croskey for taking care of the road in front of their home on 4th Street. It’s residents like you that make Bergholz the great place that it is!

I want to give a shout out to Doug and Dale Featheringham for purchasing the big house on the hill and cleaning it up and working to bring it back to life. Just mowing the property and applying a fresh coat of paint makes a huge difference.

A big Thank You to the Springfield Township Trustees and their employees for placing asphalt on 1st Street going up the hill to Valley View! The Village, along with The Ruritan Club, has decided to nix the cleanup for this year because of the Corona Virus. Hopefully when May 2021 rolls around, we will be back to normal and can schedule the Village cleanup.

To bring some of the newer residents up to date on some of the ordinances in Bergholz, we are a residential community and not a farming community. We have ordinances that have been passed by council over the years, and we expect residents to abide by them. If you have a question on a certain ordinance, please feel free to contact the Village Clerk, Jeff Kemmer. Either Jeff, Officer Clark, or I will get back to you with an answer. Most recently we have been overrun with complaints about chickens. We have an ordinance against chickens or the like. If you happen to have chickens, please get rid of them. If we get more complaints Officer Clark will be around to check it out!

The old sliding board at the 3rd Street Park has been taken down and will be replaced with the new one we have purchased. If you haven’t noticed, the pavement on the playground and the parking lot on 2nd Street have been sealed to make them last.

As always, I want to Thank all the Village residents both past and present for what you do to make Bergholz the envy of the Valley!

Mayor Gary Griffith

Bergholz Community Foundation

By: Nikki Klein

I hope everyone enjoyed the fall foliage. We are truly blessed to live in such a beautiful part of the country. Now, I am looking forward to the first snowfall.

We have an exciting update from Total Medical Care. Dr. Ish Rawal will be in the Bergholz office from 9am12pm beginning Friday, October 23, 2020 on the 4th Friday of every month. Mallory Richards Puckett, CNP will continue to see patients on Wednesdays. Her office hours are from 9am12pm and 1pm-4pm. Call 740-768-1001 or 330-956- 5236 for an appointment. Mallory has been seeing patients in the Bergholz office since September 2. We are very happy to have them in our village.

We would like to thank Kim Richardson for holding the Immunization Clinic at the Medical Building. It was a success! A big shout out to our artists that have taken time to decorate the Community Bulletin Board. They have all done an amazing job. If you would like to provide artwork, please contact a board member. Please stop by and check it out.

Just a reminder: The graduate banners can be picked up at McBane Insurance between 9am-4:30pm Monday-Friday.

Bergholz EMS

By: Don Rowe 740.768.2659

As of this writing we are up to call 295 for the year! Yes, our EMS is a busy place. We thank you for all your support. We will be having an EMT class here in Bergholz in the near future. Volunteers are needed to help continue our service. Please contact me or Dwayne Morley for more information. The more volunteers we have, the better our service will be for our community. We will take care of the cost of the class and all we need from you is to volunteer some time to your community.

As the holiday season approaches, please have a safe and healthy Christmas and New Year from all of us at Bergholz EMS! 

Bergholz VFD

By: Dwayne Morley 740.543.3306

Our department has been busy the last few weeks. Two structure fires and some hay bales! We do have some exciting news to share with all of you…. #1. We have received a grant for new air packs and bottles which will last us the next 15 years! #2 is even more exciting for us. After years of submitting paperwork to purchase a new fire truck, through FEMA, we have finally received our confirmation letter that we will be receiving funds to purchase a new Engine. Our current engine is 20 years old. The grant is for approximately $450,000.00. That’s is a huge grant for our department to receive. Plans currently are shopping around for a truck that meets our department needs and what the state requires.

We do apologize to the kids in the community. We haven’t been able to hold our dances for them or this year’s Halloween Party. We all hope that Covid ends soon so our town can get back to normal, and we can provide community activities again. So hopefully Prime Time will be back, our Country Nights, Kid Dances, and all the other community activities which take place here at the station. So, from all of us here at the department, may we wish all of you a joyous and happy Holiday Season…See you in 2021!

WEBA Food Pantry

By: Ann Wiley 740.543.3972

Beginning January 2021, grocery shopping at the WEBA Food Pantry is being changed to the 4TH SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH. This is being changed primarily because more help is available to carry boxes to our client’s cars.

For now, during Covid restrictions and guidelines, clients will not enter the building to get their food. It will be delivered to your car. All other guidelines will remain the same. Hours will remain 10am-1pm. If you currently return packing boxes, please continue to do so. The only issue being changed is the day of the week.

Dates for the first six months are as follows: January 23, February 27, March 27, April 24, May 22, June 26. If Covid issues change things dramatically, you will be given notice as soon as it becomes available to us at the pantry.

We have a new director for the pantry. Pastor David Guess was appointed and approved at the October board meeting to be the new director. David will be responsible for ordering the food for the pantry. Thank you, David for taking on this task and responsibility. We also have a new board member. Debbie Elliott was approved during the September meeting. Thank you, Debbie for being willing to serve.

Remaining pass-out dates are November 19th A week early because of Thanksgiving. Pass-out for December is December 17th. Also, a week early because of Christmas.

Northeast Jefferson County Food Pantry

By: Debbie Wiley 740.768.2471

Greeting once again from our Food Pantry. Remember, all workers are all volunteers. We started this new program on how to serve you during the pandemic, and it is working out great! With the Covid 19 situation, we have had to make several changes, and this is one that is working out. Thank you all for your cooperation.

Now we will be getting ready for November, a month to remember all that you have to be thankful for – family, friendships, and most of all how God has been helping the Food Pantry to keep on serving. Through this love, all things are possible. So, remember to thank God for watching over all of us at this time.

December is another time we should be very thankful. God gave us a baby boy whose name is Jesus to come and save us from all this world has to dish out to us. Having Jesus on our side, we have nothing to fear. Jesus is with us through all our tough times in life.

Our mission is to eliminate hunger in our community. With God’s blessing we will be able to do this. This organization distributes food to clients and is always improving technology.

Because of all the support we receive from generous people like you and local churches, and the many organizations that donate for this cause, the Food Pantry can help the community. The Food Pantry would like to say to all who generously donate, “THANK YOU”

Food distribution is every 3rd Thursday of the month. The time is from 9am-Noon. When and if we get bread to be passed out, it will be posted in the Post Office and a sign placed in front of the Presbyterian Church. Also, it will be posted on Facebook. The time would be 10am-Noon. Remember to always walk with God, he is our provider. If you need to contact us, call President: Ronnie Shockley, 330-627-4080, Secretary: Matt Haas, 740-543-1127. Director: Kathy Warner, 740-543-3590, or Vice President: Jeff Kemmer or Email ronnieshockley1961@out

You can make donations to: The Northeast Jefferson County Food Pantry, PO Box 613 Bergholz, Ohio 43908. Please make checks payable to: The Northeast Jefferson County Food Pantry. The donations are tax deductible. The pantry is a part of a tax-exempt nonprofit 501(C) (3) organization.

Be kind to one another during these hard times.

I’m glad that I was good today
As good as I was able
I’m glad to be inside this house
And sitting at this table
I’m glad that it’s Thanksgiving Day
And all the world is merry
And I’m glad I have a fork
And that this pie is cherry

Amsterdam Community Church of God

8247 Bear Road SE
By: Tony Kovalesky 740.543.4041
Church: 740. 543.3927
Parsonage:740. 543.3036
[email protected]m

Sunday, November 1st is the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church with the Central African Republic as the emphasis for our time of prayer.

The church will also hold their annual business meeting on Sunday, November 8th following the morning service and a light lunch celebrating 2020 accomplishments in spite of COVID 19 and share goals and set financial obligations for 2020.

The church will host their annual community Thanksgiving dinner from 5- 7 either Thursday night November 19th or Saturday, November 21st. This dinner will either be Grab-N-Go or a combination of Grab-N-Go and Sit-N-Eat. We are stilling making decisions so keep an eye out on Facebook and/or the Carroll County Newspapers for final details. This is a free dinner for all the communities around Amsterdam as a way to express our thanks and promote community in our area. The meal will include Turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, corn, drinks, and desserts. Invite your family and friends to attend.

During November, Pastor David will finish preaching a series on the Five Things God Uses to Grow Our Faith. This year’s Christmas series is a take-off on the pop-culture classic, “A Christmas Story”, aired every year on cable. Several years ago, this screenplay surpassed “It’s a Wonderful Life” as the most watched holiday movie. What could it possibly have in common with the real Christmas story? Come and find out all month. Each week, those in attendance will receive a ticket to be placed in a basket and A Red Rider BB Gun “with a compass in the stock and this thing that tells time” will be given away on the final Sunday of Advent. Popcorn is planned to be served following each service.

On November 20th Pastor David and Marcy Guess will be flying to Houston to visit their oldest son David and his wife and hold their newborn twin boys who will be born sometime in November. This will be a celebration for the new Guess grandparents.

The Advent season begins on November 29th. The church will be preparing for the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. The church will be decorated, the children practicing for their program and the church will be preparing their Christmas cards. With the hustle and the bustle of the holidays, it is rewarding to reflect on the reason for the season…the birth of our Savior, Christ the Lord.

Each year Christian Women Connection (CWC) (formally called Missionary Society) receives a Christ Birthday Observance Offering on the Sunday before Christmas to be used for Church of God Ministries in the United States and across the world. This year’s theme is EXPERIENCING the WORLD CHANGER. Our goal is $750.00.Each week of Advent leading up to this offering, an Advent Reading will be read drawing our focus on the theme and the words Isaiah 9:6 “For unto us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”

The CWC will sponsor the annual Church Christmas Dinner on Sunday, December 6 th at 6:00pm. This covered dish event will be held in the church’s fellowship hall and everyone is invited for a great time of food, fellowship, and the singing of Christmas carols.

During the morning worship service on Sunday, December 20th, the children will present their Christmas program. Join us for our annual Candles, Carols, and Communion Christmas Eve Service on December 24 at 7:00 pm. Have a blessed end of the year and beginning of a new year.

Trinity United Presbyterian

By: Pastor Richard Cunningham

The congregation of Trinity is looking forward to the season of autumn and Thanksgiving and Advent, when we prepare our hearts and minds for the arrival of the Christ child. Sunday worship is being held, fully observing COVID 19 protocols, while looking forward to the day when these restrictions are lifted.

We are resuming limited normal activities such as children’s Sunday school. I.G.N.I.T.E. [In God’s Name I Triumph Everyday] for youth grades 7 – 12, will begin again on Sunday evening November 8. Plans have begun for Christmas activities including children’s gift boxes through Operation Christmas Child of Samaritans Purse. Special worship services for Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve are also being planned subject to COVID protocols.

At Trinity, we feel blessed to be part of the wonderful community of Bergholz and part of a congregation with a long history of serving the Lord. We pray for God’s continued blessings on each and every one of us.

East Springfield Christ UMC

By: Nicki Tennant 740.543.3002

Activities are beginning to increase at our church. We celebrated Mother’s Day & Father’s Day with a lunch in September, and Pastor Appreciation Month and Pastor Greg’s birthday with a lunch in October. We hosted our annual Trunk or Treat on Halloween. We are tentatively planning Thanksgiving and Advent activities as well.

The Thanksgiving Service will be held at 6pm on Sunday, November 22nd. Our Christmas Eve Service will be Thursday, December 24th at 6pm. Everyone is welcome to join us.

We have expanded our weekly Bible Study and Prayer Meeting to two sessions on Wednesdays. One at 2:30pm and a second at 6:30pm. Please join us.

If you are looking for a home church, or just want to stop in for a visit, Sunday School is at 9:45am and Morning Worship at 10:45. Please come and join us.

Bergholz/Chesnut Ridge United Methodist Churches

By: Pastor Lee Iden 330.894.2389/330.614.4395

Well, 2020 has been an interesting year, hasn’t it? Perhaps some of us thought that since we had such a mild 2019-2020 winter, that it would be a good year. Not so much. Was it in February that we learned the phrase, “coronavirus”? Was it in March that we saw the first cases of COVID 19? Shortly after that, people started dying because of it. The economy crashed, business closed, churches were suspending services and finding new ways to reach congregants (not a bad thing). We reached out to Facebook, and live streaming (I’m not even sure what that is other than there is technology that allows someone to broadcast a live worship service that people can watch just like television) and they found other ways to reach out to people. We at Bergholz and Chestnut Ridge United Methodist Churches began making telephone calls to parishioners with scripture and prayers and it was GOOD! As I was able to participate in that, I enjoyed it! And I know that those who helped enjoyed it also.

I personally had an extremely difficult year spending WAY too much time in hospitals, but that has passed, and God has allowed me to grow in my faith and my trust in Him! How could that be bad?

The United Methodist church held its Annual Conference by computer; I think they called it a ZOOM meeting and that was interesting. Instead of having to drive to Lakeside Ohio, clear up by Sandusky, I sat at my computer in my home and followed the meeting that way. (Trust me when I tell you, it was just as difficult that way, only I could walk away when I felt like it.

We have been bombarded with political calls, letters, and propaganda over the last couple of weeks and no matter how the election turns out, it will be good to have that over with for a while.

God is at work in our world. All we have to do is watch for Him. HE IS THERE! No, better, HE IS HERE!

It is extremely difficult to plan things for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years with the circumstances we are faced with today. All I can say is that God willing, we will celebrate those three holidays together.

Our prayers are with you and for you and this wonderful community; may God’s love shine and grow in your hearts!

If you are looking for a church, our doors are open (most Sundays; check out the bulletin board in front of Bergholz UMC to be sure). The Word of God is preached, the music is good, and the Holy name of Jesus is lifted up!

Shalom, Pastor Lee Iden

Something to Think About

By: Dave Miller

One day, a man came to Jesus with the greatest of all questions, “What must I do to inherit eternal life?” Jesus asked him, “What is written in the law, how do you read it?” Among the answers the man gave was, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” But then he went on, “Who is my neighbor?” And Jesus answered with what we know as the Parable of the Good Samaritan.

I’m sure that many readers of this column are also familiar with Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood of some years ago. Our daughters faithfully watched this show. One of daughter Mindy’s possessions is a Mr. Rogers’ autograph. Our son David did quite a bit of travelling and one day changing planes in Pittsburgh saw Mr. Rogers and asked for his autograph which was kindly given.

I’m writing about neighbors this issue because as many readers know, I have moved from the farm on Hump Run where my wife Shelva was raised, and where I’ve lived just short of 26 years to the former home of George and Frances Gardner on First Street in Bergholz.

Though Hump Run is certainly rural, I was blessed with three of the finest neighbors. John Schafer who plowed our driveway and checked on us when power was out, The Myers, Clara, Bill (until his passing) Dwayne and Tom and Darlene Roudebush who brought vegetables and homemade goodies to our house, and Danny and Sue Koterba who took care of the mechanical problems on the lawn equipment as well as responded at times to help with Shelva.

It was truly a wonderful neighborhood, but I’ve been warmly welcomed by several neighbors to my new home in town. Some have already told me to call if there is anything they can do to help. I appreciate their warmth of welcome and their willingness to assist if help is needed.

In this world that sometimes seems so callous and selfcentered, it’s so wonderful to know that within a few feet of where I live there are individuals with a caring and concerned heart.

Though I know many of you because of my years of ministry in Bergholz, I am already enjoying my new home and look forward to a blessed life at 139 First Street in Bergholz. Glad to become part of the “Berg.” 

IGNITE Youth Group

By: Amy Richards 740.768.2209

The IGNITE Youth Group plans to resume regular meetings on November 8 from 6:00-7:30pm. IGNITE stands for “In God’s Name I Triumph Everyday.” It is taken from the scripture verse Phil 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength,” which is the message and mission of IGNITE!

We feel it’s very important and that the time is right to resume regular meetings. We are so excited to get back together! At IGNITE, kids enter into a trusted atmosphere where they play crazy games, laugh a lot, sing, fellowship, pray, and learn about how much God loves them! We talk about how we can share God’s love with others and show support and compassion to those who are hurting. IGNITE is for anyone in grades 7-12. If you’ve never been to a meeting, check us out!

These plans are subject to change based on the status of the pandemic and recommendations from public health authorities. We will be following the same guidelines as Edison Local Schools.
* Masks will be required and are available if a student doesn’t have one.
* We will be social distancing at a 6 ft. distance.
* Hand Sanitizer is available throughout the building.
* Please perform a symptom and temperature check before each meeting.

Our plan is to meet every other Sunday evening from 6- 7:30pm. The scheduled meeting nights through the end of 2020 are: Nov 8th , Nov 22nd, Dec 6th and Dec 20th. For questions contact Gary/Amy Richards or Bob/Ruthann Kirkman.

Amsterdam Lending Library

By: Ann Wiley 740.543.3972

The era and life of the Amsterdam Lending Library has come to an end. The library was established in the early 1990’s in the building donated by the late John Allensworth. For over 30 years, it served Amsterdam and the surrounding communities. Each summer a reading program was held for the children in the community. As time moved on, more and more people began relying on electronic devices for their reading material and format for reading.

As I prepare my last letter for the library, plans are in the working for an auction to be held for selling the library building. Possibly by the time you are reading this letter, the building will have a new owner. Several persons came and gathered books for their own use. Books that were left were taken to the Schiappa Library in Steubenville. The shelves have been removed; furniture has been taken. All that is left is a big, old (built in 1898) beautiful building with over a century of memories and stories.

Along with the library being closed, the recycling program is also closed. Behind the library building is a 4 bay, concrete garage which could be used for a multitude of purposes. Recycle bins from JB Green Team have been placed behind St. Joseph School. Please continue to recycle and help save the environment.

Thank you to all the readers who used the library. Sadly, it has outlived its usefulness. 

Library of Steubenville and Jefferson County

By: Jennifer Cesta 740.282.9782

Thursdays: Nov 12th & Dec 3rd
Red Dog Road
Amsterdam Parking Lot: 11 a.m.
Bergholz Fire Department: 12 p.m.
Bergholz Post Office: 1 p.m.
Contact the Library to learn about our Book Club dates and current titles.


By: Don Lyons 740.768.2680

Our year would normally end with our Thanksgiving turkey drawing and the Town Lighting the Sunday after Thanksgiving.

Unfortunately, we have had to cancel the drawing since our members don’t see enough people to sell tickets. The Town Lighting is on hold at the moment. AEP put a new pole in and never reconnected our electric for the Christmas lights. We are going to try to get it done, but it depends on AEP scheduling. Please watch Facebook (if you have a phone or computer) for updates.

Hopefully, our town is back to normal next year with all the regular activities we do to make this a great place to live. We take this opportunity to wish all of you a Happy Holiday Season from all our members.

East Springfield Community Recreation & Service Center

By: Sue Call 740.543.3700

Thank you to everyone who has supported the Center through our monthly dinners. We will not be hosting the dinners in November, December, or January.

We do hope to have our annual Christmas Party with Santa Claus, but that is still in the planning stages. Watch for flyers or on social media for more information.

The Center is available to rent. Please contact me for prices and availability. 

Merry Christmas

Some wishes are friendly,
Some wishes are gay,
Some wishes are loving
And this one’s that way . . .
Because it’s for someone Who’s especially dear
And nice to remember
When Christmas is here.

November Holidays

1st – Daylight Saving Time Ends
3rd – Election Day
11th – Veteran’s Day
26th – Thanksgiving Day

December Holidays

7th – Pearl Harbor Day
11th – Hannukah
21st – Winter Begins
24th – Christmas Eve
25th – Christmas Day
31st – New Year Eve

Deadline for the January/February 2021 Newsletter is Friday, December 18th.

Nov/Dec 2020 – Issue 127
Elaine M. Berard, EDITOR
e[email protected]

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