From the Mayor
By: Gary Griffith 740.768.2632
It seems as if overnight we went from the hot summer weather to the cooler fall weather. I myself like the cooler weather other than the snow that will be coming later! With the days getting shorter please watch out for our children that are out in the evening on our streets. Thank You to Police Chief Mark Clark for protecting our children in the Village.
Hopefully everyone has noticed that the former Buck Elliott home on 3rd Street has been purchased by Gary Gruber of Florida, formally of Richmond, Ohio. He has cleaned it up and started painting it. What an improvement! Another landmark saved from demolition thanks to the Jefferson County Landbank working with residents to save these structures. The Landbank has received some extra money to be used for cleaning up properties in Jefferson County. If you have a property that needs cleaned up, you can contact Tabitha Glover at 740-283-8655 for details.
It’s time for fall cleanup. It is not permitted to burn, so you can bag your yard cleanup and the Village will pick it up out by the street. As in the past we usually pick up on Monday or Tuesday. Please contact me if we missed you, and we will get it. Thank You to all the residents that participate for helping do your part to keep our Village neat and clean.
A big Thank You to Jeff Stone and Jeff Kemmer for keeping up with mowing, and to Don Lyons and Ron Gower for helping with different projects in the Village this summer.
The annual lighting of the Christmas lights and the arrival of Santa for the little ones will be the Sunday after Thanksgiving, December 1, 2019 at 7:00PM at the Gazebo/Parking Lot at 2nd and Jefferson Street across from the Bergholz Diner. All are welcome!
From our family to yours, we wish everyone a bountiful and thankful Thanksgiving, A Merry Christmas and A very Happy New Year!
Thank You to all the residents of Bergholz, both past and present, for what you do to make Bergholz the envy of the Valley!
Mayor Gary Griffith
By:Nikki Klein
The Bergholz Community Foundation met Sept. 26, 2019 for its 26th Annual Meeting. During the meeting we recognized two trustees for their many years of service: Marianne Featheringham and Ed Palmer.
Marianne was installed as a trustee 25 years ago, in November of 1994, shortly after the foundation was founded. Marianne has served in various capacities; from organizing fundraising dinners to sitting on the finance committee, as well as acting as chairperson for the scholarship committee. Ed joined the foundation in September of 2003. He has served in different areas within the Foundation, most importantly as President for almost half of his 16-year tenure.
The Board of Trustees would like to thank Marianne and Ed for their years of dedication and devotion to the Foundation. You are a significant reason the foundation has impacted so many lives!

Bergholz Women’s Club
By: Debbie Wiley 740.768.2471
The Women’s Club will meet on November 20th. We will be making a craft card. Please be sure to bring $1.00 for the cost. A nomination committee will be composed at the November meeting. The Hostesses for this month will be Micki Crow and Jean Reynard. Check out the Gazebo. It has been decorated for the fall season. We would like to thank Clover Farms for the pumpkins and Homer Beadnell for the bales of straw. This is a month of Thanksgiving. Be sure to remember to give Thanks to God for all things.
“Light Up Night” at the town Gazebo will be held on December 1st at 7:00pm. Remember to bring a dozen cookies.
Our December meeting will be held on December 11th at 5:00pm, and we will package cookie boxes for all the Shut-Ins. Be sure two bring your two dozen of cookies. It was voted that one person will bring the 3# of candy.
The Christmas Dinner will be held at J.C. Wine Cellar at 6pm. After filling the boxes, we will go for dinner. Bring a $2-$3 wrapped gift for a game. Our Hostess is Karen Bray and her helpers will be Connie Stewart and Malinda Miller.
In October I hope you joined in on the fun at the October Festival. I hope you stopped at our table to buy a KAYWOY towel. They work wonderfully on windows, appliances, etc. I will be announcing the winner of our homemade gift, made by Malinda Miller, in the next Newsletter.
May God keep blessing us so we can keep helping our beautiful town of Bergholz. Let us always remember to be kind to one another and treat each other as we would want to be treated.
By: Don Lyons 740.768.2680
Our November fund raiser will be on Sunday, November 10th from 11-1 with a Salisbury Steak Dinner complete with fix-ins! Cost is $8.00 for adults and $5.00 for kids 10 and under. Take-outs are available.
We will be getting the Christmas Banners and Lights up soon for the towns “Light-Up Night” on Sunday, December 1st at 7pm with Santa!
As the year comes to an end, may all of you find peace, and joy this holiday season and a Happy New Year from all of us to all of you!
Deadline for the January/February 2020 Newsletter is Friday, December 13th.
Bergholz EMS
By: Don Rowe 740.768.2659
We are looking for a few great people to become EMTs. Your education expenses will be paid by the department. The more people we can get on board, the easier it will be for us in the future since we keep our service 24/7.
Our continuing education is constant, and we are co-educating with other departments. We keep busy all week long providing emergency services for our community. As the holidays approach, please stay safe. Happy Holidays!
Bergholz VFD
By: Dwayne Morley 740.543.3306
This past month, we provided fire safety education to John Gregg Elementary students for Fire Prevention Week. We also provided each student with a nylon back-pack, a helmet, and various things in their bags. Since our last newsletter to you, our community, we also held an Active Shooter Drill at John Gregg Elementary which was something new for all of us. Thanks to our neighboring departments who took part in this drill.
On Sunday, December 1st, we will be helping in the towns “Light- Up Night” at 7pm and on Wednesday, December 18th at 7pm will be hosting Santa at the station for the kids and for parents to get pics with him. Thanks to all those who came out for the Kids Halloween Costume Contest in October.
Thank you to all who came to our Baked Steak Dinner. Special thanks to Eddy and Donna from Supermart who helped with the dinner, those who provided desserts, and those who helped with the dinner. The proceeds will go towards improvements around the building.
Please note…. Our December Kids’ Dance is moved to Friday the 20th at 7pm! Prime Time lunches continue at the usual time. Country Night continues as always.
As you can see our department is busy, and the community uses our building frequently. Next year we hope to be doing more improvements to our building as funding becomes available to us. New volunteers are always welcome! From all of our families to yours, have a safe and joyous holiday and a Happy New Year!
Northeast Jefferson County Food Pantry
By: Debbie Wiley 740.768.2471
Greetings once again from the Food Pantry. Jeremiah 17:7, “Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him.” Our mission is to eliminate hunger in our community. With God’s blessing we will be able to do this. We are a 100% volunteer-based organization. We have been blessed to be here to serve. Our volunteers are helpful, loving, and caring people who do this in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ
This organization distributes food to clients and is always improving technology. Because of all the support we receive from generous people like you and local churches, the food pantry can help the community. The food pantry would like to send a very special thank you and blessings to all in the community who help us.
Food distribution is every 3rd Thursday of the month. The time is from 9am-Noon. When it is time for bread distribution, it will be posted in the Post Office and on Facebook. There will also be a sign placed in front of the Presbyterian Church.
If you need to contact us,
call President Ronnie Shockley 330.627.4080;
Director Kathy Warner 740.543.3590;
Secretary Dixie Saltsman 740.768.2370; or e-mail [email protected]
You can make donations to:
The Northeast Jefferson County Food Pantry, PO Box 613 Bergholz, Ohio 43908. Please make checks payable to: The Northeast Jefferson County Food Pantry. The donations are tax deductible. The pantry is a part of a tax-exempt nonprofit 501(C) (3) organization.
Remember, “It is more blessed to give then to receive.” So, let’s keep working hard to keep this pantry going. Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9
WEBA Food Pantry
By: Ann Wiley 740.543.3972
It is with personal and profound sadness that in my WEBA newsletter I report the passing of our WEBA Board President, David Saho. David passed on Friday, October 4, 2019, at Trinity West Medical Center. His beloved wife, Irene was at his side. David had a passion for the pantry and volunteered countless hours of time and energy until he was no longer able to do so. We will all miss him terribly. Our love and sympathies go out to his beloved, Irene
The pantry continues to serve those less fortunate. In September, we serviced 155 families. Future pass-out dates are as follows: November 21 and December 19. November and December dates are a week early because of Thanksgiving and Christmas respectively.
The food pantry would not be able to operate without our volunteers. In addition to most of the board members, there are many others who come every month and donate time and sweat. One couple comes from Stow, Ohio, north of Akron to help. Others from the area help every month. There are not sufficient “thank yous” to all of you who help. You all are truly a blessing to the pantry.
Amsterdam Lending Library
By: Ann Wiley 740.543.3972
I’m quite sure that those of you who read my letters on a regular basis are not the guilty parties who abuse, take advantage of, and have no regard to dumping your garbage in the dumpster at the library. You act as if it is your own personal dumping facility instead of paying for trash pickup at your own residence.
Whoever dumped the old tires, the cat climbing tree, clothes, broken toys, an old tv, a burning barrel, and other items; shame on you! You are taking advantage of a volunteer organization. You are a parasite! Sooner or later, you will be caught.
Library hours are sketchy, and as winter approaches, they will probably decline even more. Hours are 10:00am to noon Wednesdays and Thursdays. To be sure there is someone tending the library, you may want to call ahead: 740.543.3746.
Those who have books to donate or recycle can be left on the front porch or at the open garage bay in the rear of the parking lot. Many thanks to those who separate items into paper, cardboard, plastic & glass, tin cans and aluminum. You help our job go smoother.
IGNITE Youth Group
By: Amy Richards 740.768.2209
The IGNITE Youth Group is back in full swing beginning Nov 3, 2019!!! IGNITE is a faith-based youth group for anyone in grades 7-12. IGNITE is a place where kids can come, have fun, be themselves and learn about a relationship with Christ. We meet every other Sunday evening from 6:00-7:30pm at Trinity United Presbyterian Church in Bergholz. Come & bring a friend. Find out what we are all about. You will not be disappointed! IGNITE meetings for the rest of this year will be November 3rd & 17th and December 1st, 15th & 29th.
Faith Community Church
By: Chad Thompson 740.768.2835
Hello to our Bergholz family:
It has been a busy fall here at Faith Community Church. We recently had our annual carnival and our Fearless Faith youth group is up and running. We have several chances to come fellowship and serve each week.
The 3rd Monday of each month our ladies group meets to fellowship and make blankets for the children’s home as well as other ministries.
Wednesday evenings the youth group meets from 5:30-6:45 and is open to all 6th-12th. Also, on Wednesday evenings at 7:15pm, we have our weekly Bible study led by Pastor Chad.
On Thursdays at 6:30pm each week there is AA available for anyone that could benefit from attending.
Along with these weekly activities we will have many events and activities throughout the holiday season. We are looking forward to celebrating the season of our Savior’s birth with you all. Please keep up with our activities on our Facebook page or call the church with any questions. As always, we invite you to come to church with us this Sunday and every Sunday at 10:45am.
Bergholz/Chestnut Ridge United Methodist Churches
By: Pastor Lee Iden
As I write this, October is about half over and it is hard to believe. I am a fall/winter person and long for the cooler weather that Ohio offers toward the end of the year. The changing of leaves; how they cast off their garments of green to don their coats of many colors is an exciting time for me. Since coming to the Bergholz area three years ago to pastor the two beautiful United Methodist Churches in the community, I have been blessed to behold the view from Cinder Road about halfway between Chestnut Ridge church and the back way up the hill out of Bergholz. The valleys to either side of the ridge are magnificent in their fall array. I sometimes find myself stopping along that stretch of road and just drinking in the beauty that God has provided. (I actually drug two of our District Superintendents up that road to see the view, plus I brought my brother down from Boardman to take some pictures of the view!)
On November 2nd from 10:00 am until 2:00 pm at Chestnut Ridge UMC, we will celebrate our annual Bazaar with a Bake Sale and food items to purchase. I always look forward to that day! I get to meet so many local people and the fellowship is amazing! Come on out and enjoy a time of food, conversation and helping!
As much as I look forward to the fall and winter seasons, I also look forward to the seasons of Thanksgiving and Christmas! I have always had a heart for the time in our lives when we give thanks to God for the bounty He has provided. I have been truly blessed in my life to know want and to know plenty just as Paul tells us in his letter to the church at Philippi. “I know what it is to be in need and I know what it is to have plenty.” Philippians 4:12. Growing up in Beloit, Ohio in the 1950’s, my father worked as a carpenter and in the summer when he could work, things were plentiful, in the winter, not so much. (It JUST dawned on me: I am the son of a carpenter and a pastor…sounds vaguely familiar!) (Not that I am comparing myself to anyone…NO WAY!) (I am not even worthy to untie the straps of His sandals!) And so, I appreciate the opportunity to give thanks for all that God has provided. I would like to have a combined Thanksgiving service with Bergholz and Chestnut Ridge on November 24th with a traditional Thanksgiving meal after worship to offer to God our thanksgiving for all that He has done for us.
Our Christmas service will be on Christmas Eve, Tuesday, December 24th at Bergholz at 7:00 pm. We are working on a Christmas concert perhaps at the Bergholz Fire House on January 12th with Dan Keeton. If you have never heard Dan sing, he is AMAZING!!! Come out and join us at the Fire House on January 12th at 10:30 am and I promise you, you won’t be disappointed!
God has provided us with a beautiful area in which to live. For most of us, we are blessed with enough to get by and often enough to share with others and so we celebrate! If you don’t have a home church, we would love to have you join us. We worship at Bergholz UMC at 10:30 am on Sunday mornings, at Chestnut Ridge at 11:45 am, (it is worth your time to come out to Chestnut Ridge and hear Bob Moser play the piano and accordion and the piano and organ duets with Darlene Iden and Bob are fantastic!) and we have a wonderful Bible Study class on Tuesdays at 1:00 pm.
God is good! All the time! All the time, God is good!
Pastor Lee Iden
Trinity United Presbyterian
By: Pastor Nancy DeStefano 740.768.2511
Getting to know folks in Bergholz has been an easy task for this new pastor. One neighbor tells me about another who might appreciate having me stop by to introduce myself. As I have gotten to know some of you my feelings about Bergholz have been confirmed. You are a very friendly and caring lot!
Several members of the Trinity United Presbyterian congregation ventured out of town to Bellaire, Ohio on October 6th for the ordination service held in recognition of my becoming an official member of the clergy. Five years after beginning my seminary journey, I couldn’t be any happier than to find myself here in Bergholz.
Trinity UPC is planning to celebrate their 200th anniversary! Although the official bicentennial would have been in 2018 the church was between pastors at that time. Therefore, the church has established a “heritage committee” for the purpose of planning an event for the spring of 2020 following the Lenten season. Keep your eyes open for special notices to be posted soon.
The Trinity Church Sonshine Club has started off with a wonderful group of 20 elementary age children on Wednesdays from 4:45-6:15. Any school aged child, kindergarten through 6th grade, is welcome to join at any time. They sing fun songs, have a brief teaching based on the Bible, do crafts, and receive a light meal. Home-school children are welcome to participate as well. Sonshine Club leaders are Debbie Wiley & Polly Dubetz. For additional information call Polly at 740-768-2511.
Trinity’s IGNITE senior high youth program will kick off on November 3rd at 6:00pm with some games and fun icebreakers followed by discussion based on Bible themes and topics. This group meets until 7:30 at the church and is supervised by Pastor Nancy DeStefano, and Amy and Gary Richards, along with Bob and Ruth Ann Kirkman.
Thanks to Ron Shockley and friends, the Northeast Jefferson County Food Pantry is still going strong here at Trinity Church every third Thursday.
Attendance has picked up at Sunday services which start at 10:45am. Several of the “lost sheep” from previous affiliation are beginning to return home. If you have not visited us in a while, stop in some Sunday and see what is new!
May your stuffing be tasty
May your turkey be plump,
May your potatoes and gravy
Have never a lump.
May your yams be delicious
And your pies take a prize,
And may your Thanksgiving dinner
Stay off your thighs!
Amsterdam Community Church of God
By: Tony Kovalesky 740.543.4041
Church:740. 543.3927
Parsonage:740. 543.3036
Sunday, November 3, the church will recognize the International Day of Prayer (IDOP) for the Persecuted Church with the focus on Christians living in North Korea. The term “persecuted Christians” refers to any person who is harassed or attacked simply because they identify as being a Christian. Examples of persecution faced by Christians include (but is not limited to) beatings, physical torture, confinement, isolation, rape, severe punishment, imprisonment, slavery, and discrimination in education and employment.
On Sunday, November 17, the church will hold their annual business meeting following the morning service and a fundraising lunch (chicken and dumplings) provided by the youth. The church will celebrate 2019 accomplishments, share goals, and set financial obligations for 2020.
Saturday, November 23, the church will host their annual community Thanksgiving dinner from 5-7 pm in the church’s fellowship hall. This is a free dinner for all the communities around Amsterdam to express our thanks and promote community in our area. The meal will include turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, corn, drinks, and desserts. Invite your family and friends to attend. The following day, the church will enjoy a Thanksgiving Dinner following the AM Celebration of Worship.
During November, Pastor David will conclude his sermon series on the Beatitudes and start a short series Stewardship of the Blessings in Life. During Advent he will be preaching a series entitled Good News! Experiencing the Genuine Jesus. In a world seemingly overwhelmed with bad news, it’s time for some good news. Maybe it’s a positive doctor’s report, a promotion, or the announcement of a much-wanted pregnancy. Whatever the good news, it restores hope, energizes love, excites joy, and brings peace. Over the past two thousand years, people just like you and me have found that experiencing Jesus—the genuine Jesus—has enriched and even changed our lives. This Christmas, we invite you to sample the best news of all. His name is Jesus.
The Advent season begins on December 1. The church will be preparing for the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. The church will be decorated, the children practicing for their program and the church will be preparing their Christmas cards. With the hustle and the bustle of the holidays, it is rewarding to reflect on the reason for the season…the birth of our Savior, Christ the Lord.
Each year Christian Women Connection (formally called Missionary Society) receives a Christ Birthday Observance Offering on the Sunday before Christmas to be used for Church of God Ministries in the United States and across the world. This year’s theme is Good News! Our goal is $600.00. Each week of Advent leading up to this offering, an Advent Reading will be read drawing our focus on the theme and the words of the prophet Isaiah: “Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.” Isaiah 7:14 NIV
The CWC will sponsor the annual Church Christmas Dinner on Sunday, December 8 at 6:00 pm. This covered dish event will be held in the church’s fellowship hall and everyone is invited for a great time of food, fellowship, and the singing of Christmas carols.
On the December 15, Pastor David and Marcy will host an Open House from 3-6 followed by the youth Christmas Party. During the morning Worship Celebration on Sunday, December 22, the children will present their Christmas program.
Join us for our annual Candles, Carols, and Communion Christmas Eve Service on December 24 at 7:00 pm. Have a blessed end of the year and beginning of a new year.
Something to Think About
By: Dave Miller
In Colossians 4:6 the Apostle Paul says, “Let your speech always be seasoned with salt.”
I read those words, and then I think about the times we are living in. There is so much profanity in our daily lives. We hear it on TV, in the school, the workplace, and the street. And, I confess, I wonder what is said in the home! Comedians use the name of God to get a laugh. Not only is there profanity, but all kinds of sexual innuendos.
The Bible has much to say about our speech. Exodus 20:7 says, “Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.” I Peter 3:10 says, “Whoever would love life and see good days must keep his tongue from evil and his lips from deceitful speech.” Proverbs 12:15 says, “Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.” When we were young, we heard, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” Older, we know that words can destroy. Marriages have been broken, friendships destroyed, careers terminated because of words unfitly spoken. Proverbs 25:11 says, “Words fitly spoken are like apples of gold in settings of silver.” In other words, are the words of our tongues words of kindness, love, encouragement, and gratitude? Do you remember these words from your Sunday School days?
O be careful little tongue what you say, For the Father up above is looking down in love, O be careful little tongue what you say.
East Springfield Church of the Cross
By: Beverly Pethtel 740.543.3282
Happy Fall Greetings from the East Springfield Church of the Cross. The beauty of our Awesome God is all around us in the colors & chill in the air. We at the Church of the Cross are excited as we enter our first fall season with Pastor Bob & Anita.
Upcoming events for November & December include: a combined Thanksgiving service at East Springfield Christ United Methodist Church on Sunday November 24th at 6pm. On Saturday November 30th, we will be holding our Bethlehem Advent- ure. It is open for kids 3-12 and is a walk through the birth of Jesus. There will be stations set up for the children to experience this firsthand. Time for this is 5:00-7:30pm. Our choir will be holding their Christmas cantata on Sunday December 15th at 7:00pm. Christmas Eve service will be held on Tuesday December 24th beginning at 6.
Our Food Pantry for November will be on the 21st and December’s will be on the 19th from 10-12. Our doors are open every Sunday. We begin worship at 9:30 with our Traditional/Blended Service. It is followed by Sunday School with classes for all ages. At noon we have our Noon Encounter service. We have Bible Studies on Tuesday evening at 7:30. Wednesday evenings we have our Family Night. Classes are available for the children, teens, and two adult ones. The service starts at 6:45-8:00. All are welcome to come and celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord & Savior. We hope you will come and visit if you are looking for a Church home. God Bless
Beacon of Light Church
By: Larry Boop
Pastor Mike Thurston 330.627.5903
Assoc. Pastor Larry Diekmann
By: Louise Carter
Jesus Christ, the Lord was born,
In a town called Bethlehem,
He grew in wisdom and in grace
and soon became a man.
He is the Savior of the world
He is God’s only Son,
God gave His life on Calvary,
And the best is yet to come.
The best is yet to come
When He in peace shall reign.
The best is yet to come
When we crown him King of Kings.
We’ll hear his voice from the skies
Then the dead in Christ shall rise,
And the best is yet to come.
The raptured ones will hear His voice
And meet Him in the air,
No more pain or sorrow
For Christ the Lord is there.
He’ll wipe the tears from our eyes.
We’ll live with Him in Paradise,
And the best is yet to come.
By: Louise Carter
What child is this the world may say,
And shake their heads in sad dismay.
Born in a manger midst cows and sheep,
In swaddling clothes and hay did sleep.
Down through the ages past the same old question has been asked,
Still, until this very day what child is this, the world will say.
So, Christians stand!
Let voices ring,He is the Christ ETERNAL KING.
The King Who at His Father’s side made heavens doors open wide.
He entered into a world of sin and walked among His fellow men.
A King Who set the captives free and opened gates for you and me.
A king Who touched the leper’s skin and made him pure and clean again.
A King Who died upon a cross His prayer, not one soul would be lost.
Christian, lift up your voice and sing He is the Lord, the King of Kings.
So that on His returning day there will be no one left to say
Merry Christmas from Beacon of Light!
Let’s Fight Together
By: T.J. Anderson 740.512.3278 740.543.4352
On Saturday, November 9th,
4-7pm at the Glenn Mill Community Center on State Route 152 Richmond Ohio, Let’s Fight Together will host a Soup & Sandwich/Vendor fundraiser to help people who are in dialysis trying to get to their transplants! For donation only come get soup, sandwich, drink, & dessert. You will have 4 soups and 4 sandwiches to pick from.
There will also be a 50/50, brown bags raffle, jerky sale, and more. There will be 14 vendors that will be set up on the top floor of the community center with all varieties to shop for! Come out and support dialysis patients!
If anyone would like to donate or help in any way please contact me. This will be my last fundraiser of the year. Also, I’m looking for a place to have my flea market in 2020.
Trinity United Presbyterian
The Christian Emergency Relief fund is being managed at Trinity United Presbyterian Church. If you need assistance, please call 740-768-2511 and leave a message.
East Springfield Christ UMC
By: Nicki Tennant 740.543.3002
“Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior and my hope is in you all day long.” Psalm 25:5
Fall certainly was busy at Christ UMC. We celebrated Pastor Appreciation Month and Pastor Greg’s birthday with a luncheon of some of his favorite foods. At Halloween we hosted Trunk or Treat and did a “Reverse Trick or Treat” in the community. Our church family went door to door and gave out treat bag of goodies and a personal invitation to join us at church.
In November the Adult Sunday School Class will conclude learning about Deliverance from Moses and his story. The Winter quarter will be a study of Discipleship – Prelude to Discipleship: Beginnings of Discipleship: The Life of Discipleship.
We will host a community Thanksgiving service with the Church of the Cross on Sunday, November 24th at 6pm. Sunday, December 1st begins the season of Advent. Our Christmas Eve service will be Tuesday, December 24th at 6pm.
If you are looking for a home church, or just want to stop in for a visit, we have Sunday School at 9:30am and Morning Worship at 10:45. Bible Study is each Wednesday at 2pm-3pm and 6:30pm-7:30pm. Come and join us.
Library of Steubenville and Jefferson County
By: Jennifer Cesta
November 21st December 12th
Red Dog Road
Amsterdam Parking Lot
11 a.m.
Bergholz Fire Department
12 p.m.
Bergholz Post Office
1 p.m.
Contact the Library to learn about our Book Club dates and current titles.
East Springfield Community Recreation & Service Center
By: Sue Call 740.543.3700
Our next dinner is Thursday, November 7th, 4pm – 6:30pm.
We are having roast beef, mashed potatoes, vegetable, bread, dessert, & drink. The cost is $8.00. Children under age 10 eat free. A Big Thank You to everyone that supports our Monthly Dinners. On Election Day, Tuesday, November 5th at 8am will have an Election Day Breakfast.
Santa Claus will be coming to the Center in December. Date and time yet to be finalized.
Check social media or flyers posted in the community for details of all Center activities.
From the Mayor
By: Gary Griffith 740.768.2632
Phone Numbers
Bergholz Police 740-768-2201
Bergholz Village 740-768-2200
Jefferson County Sheriff 740-283-8600
Jefferson County Water 740-283-8577
Jeff. Co. Dog Warden 740- 264-6888 (after hours call the Sheriff’s Office)
Jeff. Co Hwy Dept 740-283-8574
State ODOT Hwy Dept 740-765-4609
Remember if you have Emergency CALL 911
Deadline for the January/February 2020 Newsletter is Friday, December 13th
November Holidays:
3rd – Daylight Saving Time Ends
5th – Election Day
11th – Veteran’s Day
28th – Thanksgiving Day
December Holidays:
7th – Pearl Harbor Day
21st – Winter Begins
22nd – Hanukkah
24th – Christmas Eve
25th – Christmas Day
31st – New Year Eve