Deadline for the November/December Newsletter is Friday, October 14th.
From the Mayor
By: Gary Griffith
I hope everyone has been enjoying the beautiful weather we’ve been having here in the Berg! The cooler weather sure is a break from the hot temperature we were having in July.
Columbia Gas is continuing with the replacement of gas lines in the Village and will be continuing until they have all the residents on First, Second, Adams, and Jefferson Streets connected to the new lines. A big thank you to Columbia Gas and their contractor, NPL, for their professionalism and top-notch work.
The Jefferson County Land Bank has finally taken possession of 36 Valley View, and the structure will be demolished and cleaned up. Thank You Jefferson County Land Bank for investing in Bergholz.
A big thank you to Chad Hazlip, TJ Balint, and Mark Clark for helping keep the Village mowed and trimmed this summer. If you own property in the Village, it’s the property owner’s responsibility to keep their property mowed. A big thank you to the different property owners that are reinvesting in their homes and giving them a face lift. This shows you have pride in our community! A big thank you to the Larry Crow curb committee for taking care of the curbs on the truck route and Second Street. We get a lot of positive comments on a job well done!
Just a reminder that fall is coming, and the Village will be picking up yard cleanup that is bagged and placed by the curb. This is usually done one day a week, Monday or Tuesday. If we miss you, let me know so we can get it!
Bergholz is an ATV friendly Village of which you are permitted to ride your ATV/Side by Side on Village Streets with a permit from the Village. The sticker can be purchased at the City Building by either calling 740-768- 2200 to set up an appointment with Jeff Kemmer or get ahold of myself.
You can have a small campfire for outdoor cooking but please be respectful of your neighbors and extinguish it when you are done. Please don’t let it smolder. The State of Ohio has passed a bill allowing fireworks to be let off on several different dates. Bergholz has an Ordinance that supersedes the State Law that says fireworks can only be displayed by a licensed fireworks person. So, this means fireworks in the Village are prohibited unless you have a license and permission from the Village.
It was brought up at Council about roll-off boxes. As of present there are no laws on the Village books pertaining to these boxes. It was addressed to Council several years ago. At the time, Council decided to leave the box situation alone. The Village asks that if you are using a box at your property to please make sure you don’t block sidewalks due to the American Civil Disability Law. If you can’t put it in the yard or driveway, it is legal to put it on the street. If you do place it on the street be respectful of your neighbors as far as parking and such. Also have the company place a cone or make sure the box has reflective marks on it so it can be seen in the dark. I want to thank residents for using these boxes and not piling remodeling debris in the yard to dispose later.
Thank You to Dave and Jenny McBane for purchasing 60 feet of 36” pipe to be placed in the creek that runs through their property on First Street that has been overflowing lately and causing problems for property owners around the creek.
As always Council tries to get grants for different projects in the Village. When and if we receive any of this money, it is specified for certain projects. We are audited on the spending, so we just can’t use it anywhere we’d like. One of the biggest projects we have is paving. The different grants we have tried to get have been denied for some reason or another! The last grant we were able to get for paving was on Valley View. To do what was done then was in the neighborhood of $45,000. For the same project now, the price has doubled!
In closing school will be back in session at time of this publication so be cautious when traveling the Village streets during the morning and afternoon when the school buses will be picking up and returning
From the Mayor(cont)
students to their homes.
In closing I want to Thank all Village residents both past and present for what you do to make Bergholz the envy of the Valley!
Mayor Gary Griffith
Bergholz Community Foundation
By:Nikki Klein
The Bergholz Community Foundation is hosting a Community Shredding Event on Saturday, September 24th. The company Shred-it is coming to town. This event will be held at the BVFD 9am-noon. Please feel free to take this opportunity to destroy confidential documents that you might have laying around. With all the identity theft that has been occurring, it’s a safe way to destroy some of your personal confidential documents. Please check our website and Facebook page for updates.
Congratulations to the scholarship recipients: Adriana Bertini, Ian McBane, Freddy Jones, Emily Phillips, Abigail Kinney, Kiera Reese, Delaney Johnson, Gavin Barnhouse, and Katelin Kowalczyk. We wish you all the best of luck in college.
The Senior banners have been taken down the. If you would like to pick up your banner, it will be at McBane Insurance in Bergholz from June 30 thru July 31st.
Reminder: Mallory Puckett, CNP (nurse practitioner) of Total Medical Care changed her day of the week in Bergholz from Wednesdays to Mondays. Pro Medica Lab has also switched from Wednesdays to Mondays. Call 740-768-1001 on Mondays to make appointments. Call 330-956-5236 anytime during the week and let the office know that you would like to make an appointment with Mallory at the Bergholz location.
If you would like to decorate the Community Board, please contact a board member. The community enjoyed seeing your artwork on display.
Have a great summer!
Northeast Jefferson County Food Pantry
The food pantry is every Third Thursday of every month except in August. The Pantry is August. The work program is every first Saturday of every month except in August.
Our officers are Ronnie Shockley President: Kathy Warner Vice President.
If you need to contact the Pantry, call Ronnie at
330-627-4080 or email him [email protected], or call Kathy Warner 740-543-3590.
You can make donations to: The Northeast Jefferson County Food Pantry, PO Box 613 Bergholz, Ohio 43908. Please make Checks payable to: The Northeast Jefferson County Food Pantry. The
donations are tax deductible. The pantry is a part of a tax-exempt nonprofit 501(C) (3) organization. May God Bless you and your family! The Pantry would like to thank everyone who donates to the pantry, all the different organizations and all the personal donations from everyone who helps keep the Pantry going. May God keep blessing the Pantry. THANK YOU!
WEBA Food Pantry
By: Ann Wiley
Thank you to everyone who shopped at the summer WEBA yard sale. We appreciate your support of the WEBA Food Pantry.
Produce and Pantry pass out days are as follows:
September 16 Produce
September 24 Food
October 21 Produce
October 29 Food
November 18 Produce
November 19 Food
December 16 Produce
December 17 Food
We want to give a grateful thank you to the Alpha Mu Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma Inter-national Society of Women Educators for the donation of $302.00 worth of personal hygiene products for May, June, and July.
Another note of thanks to all the wonderful volunteers who give of their time to help at the pantry. Your service is much appreciated, and we are blessed to have you volunteering your time and energy.
East Springfield Community Recreation & Service Center
By: Sue Call
Join us for our monthly dinner. We have changed the date to the second Thursday of each month. The time is 4-6:00 pm. On Thursday, September 8th, we will have Cabbage Rolls, mashed potatoes, green beans, bread, drink, and dessert. The cost will be $10.00. Come join us for a filling dinner and visit with your neighbors. We sure could use extra help during these meals. Let me know if you are available or just show up! We haven’t decided what we will be serving on October 13th.
We are still in the planning stages for our annual Halloween Party. The date hasn’t been determined yet. It will start at 6:30pm following the Trunk or Treat at Christ UMC Parking lot. There will be cash prizes for costume winners of all ages and plenty of food.
Check social media or flyers posted in the community for details of all Center activities. The Center is available to rent. Please contact me for prices and availability.
Let’s Fight Together
By: T.J. Anderson
740.512.3278 740.543.4353
[email protected]
Let’s Fight Together is very busy with fund raising activities. I sell jerky at many local venues. Three upcoming events are:
Annapolis Mini Flea Market (at the intersection of County Rd 39 and State Route 646) September 10th 10am-4pm
Jewett Open Air Market (308 E Main St Jewett) September 8th & 22nd and October 13th.
Soup and Sandwich Fundraiser (Glenn Mills Senior Center 7576 State Route 152 Richmond) October 22nd 3pm-6pm. There will be Raffles and a Bake Sale too.
Please come and support Kidney Dialysis.
Amsterdam Community Church of God
8247 Bear Road SE
By: Tony Kovalesky 740.543.4041
Church:740. 543.3927
Parsonage:740. 543.3036
[email protected]
It has been a busy and fast-moving summer at the church. We finished Vacation Bible (VBS) in August with 48 kids attending and 35 youth and adult volunteers. Almost $120 was raised through offerings to provide shipping for our Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Ministry through Samaritans Purse. On Friday of VBS, each kid made a friendship bracelet that will be placed in the shoeboxes. Sunday morning, August 14, we celebrated VBS with a musical program followed by a hotdog luncheon and bookbag distribution.
By the time you receive this newsletter we will be finishing our 21 Days of Fasting and Emphasis. Approximately 30 adults are reading and praying with daily readings concerning 19 Mercies of God from Brennan Manning’s book The Ragamuffin Gospel. On Monday, September 12 we will begin a study of Manning’s book at the parsonage. We will meet for 5 weeks at 6:30. If you are interested in joining this study, please contact the church.
Sunday, September 18th, we will celebrate the end of summer and the beginning of fall with the national Back to Church Sunday campaign. We will have a picnic following the AM service with chicken, hamburgers, and hotdogs. Come and enjoy some great fellowship, food, and fun.
In June, we purchased a 15-passenger van with a chair lift for those who are physically challenged. It will be used for the activities planned and eventually to pick people up for church services. This will be a great asset to the church and the communities we minister to.
Our J.O.Y. (Just Older Youth: 50+) Ministry has two trips being planned. In September we plan to attend the Pittsburgh Zoo’s Asian Lantern Festival in Pittsburgh on Sunday, September 18. We will leave the church in the afternoon to eat together before touring the festival. The annual Fall Feast for Senior Adults (50+) on Tuesday, October 4, at Walnut Creek’s Der Dutchman. The cost is $25.00 and includes the meal, transportation, and entertainment. We will leave the church around 10:00 am. This is always a great time to celebrate with friends.
Several men will attend a Retreat September 30-October 1 at the NEO Retreat Center of the Church of God, Berlin Center. We are going to join with other men in Northeast Ohio for a time of studying God’s word, worshiping together in song, sharing good food, and growing together in Christ!
The Youth normally meet on Saturday evenings at 5:00 for fellowship and learning about living a Christ-Centered life. The first Sunday, they will join with other youth in NE Ohio for their Annual Fall Rally on Sunday, October 2. They will be raising funds this fall for the Ohio State Youth Convention in Springfield November 11-13. The theme is Reinvention-Awake-Anew-Alive based on 2 Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!”
October is Pastor Appreciation Month and on Sunday, October 23, will honor our pastor with a dinner following the AM service.
Our Annual Trunk-R-Treat (Fall Festival) will be Saturday, October 29, from 4:00-6:00 PM. We will have games, candy, food, candy, door prizes, candy and other activities planned for children and adults. This is a free event and hope you will attend.
Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered ministry for anyone struggling with hurts, habits, or hang-ups of any kind. CR is a safe place to find community and freedom from the issues that are controlling our lifes. CR meets every Wednesday at 6:30.
Our Sunday morning worship service starts at 10:30 each week with the children being dismissed during the service for an experience geared towards their ages. On Thursday evenings at 7:00 the women and men meet in separate rooms for Bible Study and Prayer. There is also a Prayer and Bible Study held on Wednesday nights.
All of our trips are open to anyone and, of course, everyone is welcome to worship with us as we are Becoming A Christ-Centered Church By Growing Christ-Centered Followers.
Trinity United Presbyterian
By: Richard Cunningham Church – 740.768.2511
Pastor – 740.424.6143
Lessons We Can Learn from Geese
With summer changing to autumn, we will soon be seeing and hearing the geese overhead as they migrate south to warmer climate for the winter months. Studies have determined that this instinctive journey has taught the flocks of geese lessons from which we can profit as well.
As geese flap their wings, they create an uplift for the bird following. By flying in a V formation, the whole flock adds 71% greater flying range than if any bird were to fly alone. If we share a common direction and a sense of community, we can get where we are going more quickly and easily because we are traveling on the thrust of one another.
HEBREWS 12:1-2, “Let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith”
When a goose falls out of formation, it suddenly feels the drag and resistance of trying to fly alone and quickly gets back into formation to take advantage of the lifting power of the bird immediately in front. If we have as much sense as geese, we will stay in formation with those who are headed where we want to go, and we will be willing to accept their help as well as give our help to others along the way.
MARK 10:43, “Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be servant of all”
When the lead goose gets tired, it rotates back into formation and another goose flies at the point position. If we take turns doing the hard tasks and sharing leadership as with the geese, we become interdependent with one another.
ROMANS 12:6,
“We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us.
The geese in formation honk from behind to encourage those up front to keep up their speed. If we “honk,” we need to make sure it is positive and encouraging.
ROMANS 12:12-13, “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.”
When a goose gets sick or wounded, two geese drop out of formation and follow it down to help and protect it. They stay with it until it is able to fly again or dies. They then start out on their own, with another formation or catch up with the flock. If we have as much sense as geese, we too will stand by each other in difficult times, as well as when we are strong. Let us all try to fly in formation and remember to drop back to help those who might need it!
GALATIANS 6:9-10, “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.”
As you go about your day, please remember these lessons from geese. Let us see how many people we can lift up and encourage today. Thanks to Rev. Bob Willits for this insight on faith.
Also, now as the new school year begins and always let us keep in our prayers all students, teachers, administrators, and support staff. May the blessings of the Lord be on them all.
Something to Think About
By: Dave Miller
I would like to use my column this issue of the Bergholz Foundation Newsletter to share information about a most under-utilized service available to the Senior residents of Bergholz and the Jefferson County area.
That is the Prime-Time Senior lunch program available at the Bergholz Firehouse each weekday at 11:30am. It is for residents of Jefferson County who are 60 years of age or older. Reservations are required and may be made the day before you plan to attend by calling the Director, Cass Hutchison at 740.768.2663.
Not only is a meal served, but there is a card game, puzzles to put together, or as many of us who attend, we just sit and chat about the events of the day. We would welcome you to join us in coming days.
May I say a word of caution to those of you who drive on the streets of Bergholz? Please observe the posted speed limits in the village. There are several children who ride bicycles in the village, and it’s good to see the kids outside, but sometimes ATVs and vehicles are exceeding the speed limit. Let’s obey the posted speed limit for the safety of our children.